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Which Engine For My Budget Track Car?

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I'm sorry to ask such a common question but i've been on here for years, done loads of searching and reading and still can't decide what to do...


My engine is currently a pretty tired 1.9 8v (although it runs well and doesn't use any water/oil it only gives out 121bhp at the flywheel... and thats after a Mikeanics setup!). I am trying to decide between these 3 options:


1) Rebuild 1.9 8v engine - new cam, headwork and maybe some TB's or carbs etc

- How much is it likely to cost to get 160-170bhp flywheel from this engine?

- How much are the parts to rebuild it?

- Total cost ???? Any ideas?


2) Mi16 engine

- Would keep it standard and still have decent power

- Would cost a bit after all the conversion parts

- Potential oil surge problems as I run slicks and don't want to spend months trying different methods to cure it

Total cost around £600?


3) GTi-6 engine

- Would keep it std as above

- Initially expensive

- Reliable

- Dont need so many conversion parts

- Slight weight disadvantage

- Total cost around £600?


Can anyone provide any insight or put and better figures in on the above?


Bearing in mind its just a fun track car, not wanting to be the fastest or win any races, just have some cheap fairly reliable fun!

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gti-6 mate. the 8v will cost alot to get to 170bhp and as you say the mi16 may surge


8v = most expensive


mi16 = cheapest


gti6 = 170 bhp with the reliability = winner

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Super Josh

Yeah, As Dave says GTi6 FTW, no surge problems. Try and get a low miler and freshen it up. Could even fit some lumpier cams for a bit more Oomph :wacko:




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Matt Holley

Another vote for gti6 if you want a reliable 170bhp

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I;d say the Mi16 is the most expensive after you rebuilt it, But the GTi6 with a decent sump baffle will be just fine

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Yep, my Mi beuild is proving to be quite expensive. They are old engines and as such really ought to be rebuilt before using IMO. The GTi6 engine is alot newer, and you should be able to run it straight out of the donor car. I'm not sure £600 will cover it but for long term cost effective I reckon the GTi6 engine will be the cheapest.

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It's more or less always cheaper to buy the most powerful engine, compared to tuning the less powerful ones.

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6 id say.


If you throw on a 5 speed mi box, you'll have alot of fun!


mi's are getting on a bit now, soo many blown up, they all need rebuilding no matter if the ebay ad says it has 70,000 miles :lol: .


I've converted mine for sub £500 if you look for the parts in the correct places, and they don't need rebuilding, as there are genuine lo milers about, so just throw on a new belt, tensioners and water pump and your away :P



Edited by Alastairh

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A lot of votes for the GTi-6 option it would seem! I was swinging that way before thinking it would be better/cheaper to rebuild my current engine. My only concern with the GTi-6 engine is buying one without an unlocked ECU and the extra weight over the front could make it a big understeery mess, especially in the wet! (Although all the threads on here seem to say it doesn't make any difference)

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your only adding 15-25kg anyway so weight is negligble IMO, its less than a person weighs.

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i'd be tempted with an XU9JA on bike carbs for a budget track car

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A lot of votes for the GTi-6 option it would seem! I was swinging that way before thinking it would be better/cheaper to rebuild my current engine. My only concern with the GTi-6 engine is buying one without an unlocked ECU and the extra weight over the front could make it a big understeery mess, especially in the wet! (Although all the threads on here seem to say it doesn't make any difference)


You dont notice it with an LSD !



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You dont notice it with an LSD !




I doubt that will make any difference to understeer or front heavy nose. The advatages of an LSD is across the board to my knowledge, rather than cancelling out disadvantages

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