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Brake Problem

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just changed brake pads, bled the brakes, but on the drivers side rear brake (1.9) if you put the handbrake on, it's solid, but if you use the foot brake you can spin it, like it's having very little effect. Someone suggested a new rear caliper, but also someone else said the compensator. Which one does it sound like, caliper or compensator?




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If it's a 1.9 then it'll almost certainly be a failed compensator - if you undo the bleed nipple and try bleeding it, very little fluid will come through compared to the other calipers.

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thanks anthony can you bypass the compensator. I've uprated discs and pads on the front, but back are standard 1.9. I was thinking if there is anyway you can bypass the compensator in order to rule it out?




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Either drill the old compensator out, or just put a piece of copper line in place of the compensator - M10 female one end, and M12 female the other IIRC.


Just be careful, as with no compensation on one wheel you're likely to lock up the rear under hard braking which will make the car skewe sideways!

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