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Has Anyone Used Spoox Mi16 Oil Breather Hose Kits?

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Right then, cos I'm a tart I want to replace all the hoses on my new 205 Mi with silicon jobbies (not poo, if you happen to be Scottish and reading this :) ).


Baker BM will be called upon for the full coolant kit, which leaves me with the oil breather pipes. Now then, I was going to buy the 3 pipes from Miles for the obvious reason that he is a trusted forum member etc etc, but then when I was browsing eBay I noticed that Spoox do an oil breather kit that apparently has all the hoses, rather than just the 3 that Miles supplies.


On the one hand, I've heard some controversial things about Spoox, but nothing that would make me totally avoid using them, and obviously their kit is more expensive, but I figure that if I'm going to replace the hoses I might as well do as many as possible.


So really it comes down to the question, (as per title) has anyone used their kit, and does it fit OK and is it likely to last etc?


And Miles, if you are reading this, I'll be wanting some gear rods off of you soon, but might as well wait until I know what I'm doing about these hoses :o

Edited by GLPoomobile

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I could pop in and have a look if you want pooey, although I can only comment on quality not fitting etc. D&B are good guys, I realise certain people have had run ins with them and that they are bloody expensive (they won't even drop the VAT for cash payments on used parts the meanies :) ) but i'm sure if you have problems they'll sort you out.


Let me know.

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I could pop in and have a look if you want pooey, although I can only comment on quality not fitting etc. D&B are good guys, I realise certain people have had run ins with them and that they are bloody expensive (they won't even drop the VAT for cash payments on used parts the meanies :D ) but i'm sure if you have problems they'll sort you out.


Let me know.


Thanks for the offer. We;ll see if anyone else can pass comment first off all.


Expensive? Tell me about it! I quite fancied their carbon fibre Mi plug lead cover, until I found out they wanted nearly £9 for the postage. I've told them I won't pay it as a matter of principle so I'm waiting to see if they are willing to send it in a non gold and velvet lined oak box ;)

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Thanks for the offer. We;ll see if anyone else can pass comment first off all.


Expensive? Tell me about it! I quite fancied their carbon fibre Mi plug lead cover, until I found out they wanted nearly £9 for the postage. I've told them I won't pay it as a matter of principle so I'm waiting to see if they are willing to send it in a non gold and velvet lined oak box :D


It's the insurance that'll be stinging you. They don't send anything without it.


I've been eyeing up those hoses this afternoon, I might see if they'll do a discount if we can get a few orders.

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Anyone else seen these hoses?


I'm swaying towards just getting them, but would like some feedback first if anyone has any.

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I popped in this morning and bought some. Darren recons he makes bugger all on these and wouldn't give any discount, but he didn't charge me VAT like he normally insists on doing so I paid £150. I got a red set and they seem to be good, they are 3 or 4 ply (can't remember now) with a special internal coating to prevent any decay caused by hot oil running through them.


After seeing some BakerBM coolant pipes last night on Ren's car they 'felt' as good as those do.

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I popped in this morning and bought some. Darren recons he makes bugger all on these and wouldn't give any discount, but he didn't charge me VAT like he normally insists on doing so I paid £150. I got a red set and they seem to be good, they are 3 or 4 ply (can't remember now) with a special internal coating to prevent any decay caused by hot oil running through them.


After seeing some BakerBM coolant pipes last night on Ren's car they 'felt' as good as those do.


You jammy sod :blink:


I think I will get some. I had a reply from Ben about the plug lead cover saying they were in the process of updating the website with postage costs and it would actually only be £4 something, and it seemed like a decent enough reply. Non of this automated crap.


I sent a reply asking about the hoses as in the picture you can't see the metal T piece off the sump hose. I mean I assume it must be there (guess you can confirm this Wildcards?), but wanted to check anyway.

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Hmm, I didn't notice one in the bag TBH, it's in the boot i'll have a look in a bit and get back to you.

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Nope, no T-piece included with what i've got. They're 3 ply plus the special lining just to confirm.

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Nope, no T-piece included with what i've got. They're 3 ply plus the special lining just to confirm.


Maybe I have this wrong as I'm not too familiar with the Mi engine and don't have car to look at, but isn;t there a hose that goes from the bottom of the filler pipe to the sump, and at the bottom where it curves 90 degrees to connect to the sump there is a little metal pipe sticking out to the side, and a smaller diameter hose connects to this. That's what I meant by the T piece.


Thinking about it, on Miles' thread about hi hoses it is pictured as one of the 3 he sells.


Ben at Spoox confirmed it is there.

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...and a smaller diameter hose connects to this. That's what I meant by the T piece.


Yep I understand and i've had a look, it is there. Although these pictures don't show it they may give you a better idea for the quality.





I seem to have more hoses in my kit than are displayed on the Spoox site!? 7 here and 8 in mine above.



Edited by WildCards

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Sure you don't work for Spoox wildcards?

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The other hoses look like they're for the ICV? Would love to replace every hose with a silicone jobby! pics up when fitted please :)


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Sure you don't work for Spoox wildcards?


No mate I don't, although I can understand why you've said that. A good mate of mine (Mark) is Darrens cousin, through Mark I know Darren & Ben and as such I guess I treat them a bit differently than I would if I was just another punter, they're more like mates.


I realise Spoox are overpriced at times and people have had differences with them but it doesn't affect me so i'm not bothered, if I can get cheaper elsewhere I do. I won't defend them and I won't recommend anything they do or sell unless i've tried it myself, but to be fair i'll give them a pat on the back if they do alright aswell. Also, I live about a mile away, so it's really convenient to drop in on my home from work.


Hope this clears things up matey, I don't want people thinking i'm associated with them.





Pics will be up when they're on Edd, for now i'm trying to find out all the diameters so I can get some Mikalor clamps.

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