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Wicker man

Funny Handling Woes

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Wicker man

right to the point here


my 1.9 feels quite unstable when driving around the 60mph mark its feels kind off like its floating & is a tad squirmy on the corners


its completely standard in suspension department


im pretty sure its the shocks


im looking at getting the bilstein sprintline kit (cant remember what its called now) read good things on here about it


just wanted to run the problem by you guys first

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id prob say look at the wishbone bushes as a first! then look else where.


why are you sure its the shocks. have you done the push down test??

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Wicker man

well its just going on my last one when it was driving the same

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Anton green

It is possibly the rear beam bushes which are letting the back end steer for you more than normal. When my rear BB started to go it would steer on bumpy roads which I had to correct with the steering wheel. If you have the right tools they can be changed in an afternoon.


I wouldnt know how to check if it is definitly the bushes which have gone. I knew it was the bushes on mine as I have changed everything else..

Oh yeh, if the car changes direction when you apply power or braking, I'd say the component which is failing is on the front end of the car.

Edited by Anton green

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Wicker man

well ive got a sprintline kit on the way & im getting some new bottom arms for a start

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