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How To Knacker Your Head Unit

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ive just successfully ballsed up my head unit, and as i cant afford a new one was wondering if anybody knows how i can fix it... basically i took it out of the usual head unit bit to fit some new phono's, but as i did so a little bit of grit fell through one of the little holes in the top of the head unit and now seems to be trapped between the cd and the bit that reads the cd and thus giving a lot of feedback and what sounds like a spinning bit off grit :lol: it doesnt affect the radio so im assuming it must be due to the bit of grit, but i only usually use it for cds so its now useless untill i can fix it :( ive tried shaking it and blowing air through the holes but it doesnt make any difference (however there is less feedback when i hold the unit upside down whilst its playing)

any help would be very much appreciated



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Is the cd stuck in there?


My old headunit loved to munch my cd's. To get them out i had to wedge another cd under it while pressing eject to sort of lever it out. I dunno if it is relevant to your problem. But if your cd is stuck, maybe the grit would fall out if no cd was in there.

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nope ive got the cd out and it goes in and out freely there just seems to be something between the cd and the bit that reads it so its scraping on the cd

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Have you tried one of those cd lazer lense cleaner?


You can get them from dixons or anywhere like that, there basically a cd with a little brush on, only about a fiver aswell!

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i'll have to give that a try i spose, if that doesnt work it looks like a new head unit may be in order, much to the digrace of my pocket :lol:

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just strip it down and give it a blast with one of those compressed air cans

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Tell me about it, my pockets have all come loose at the stitching, hanging on by there last thread!


We should set up a 205 charity for us poor people that have to continually spend money on our cars!

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well i had a go at stripping it down, i took the back panel off and the front bit underneath the removeable facia panel and i assumed that the middle bit would slide out or something but i didnt, so i couldnt really get at anything inside


i second that on the charity idea :lol:

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i advertised on a few local cruise sites and got a kenwood mp3 head unit for like £30

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well i had a go at stripping it down, i took the back panel off and the front bit underneath the removeable facia panel and i assumed that the middle bit would slide out or something but i didnt, so i couldnt really get at anything inside


i second that on the charity idea :P


The middle bit is usually attached to the circuit board and mechanics, try pulling the sides apart and lifting it out. They will have been put together by someone so they will come apart.


A note though; NEVER unclip one of the ribbons as 50% of the time the damn thing will never work again.

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well i seem to have partly cured it, i flipped it upside down and stuffed it back in, cos for some reason its not quite as bad that way up, i'll try one of the head cleaning cds when i get the chance... funnily enough i got the head unit for free, as i bought one off ebay but then the company said they didnt have it in stock so they'll upgrade me to a better one but then the accidentally gave me a refund aswell (i didnt complain tho ) :D

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yay! after having it sat upside down and playing it for a while, the bit of stuff inside has moved and is thus fixed :D;) (my pockets can now breath a sigh of releif)

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