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Bumper And Trim Refurb?

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Hey guys,


I have done a few search's and looked through several posts but not really found what im looking for,


I am wanting to tidy the 205 up after its been stood for a little while,


Main thing to do is sort out the faded plastic trim around the car with the front and back bumpers too!


I want them to local original colour but worried about spraying them is going to look too much like paint and not the black plastic they should be!


Has anyone got any good tips of whats the best way to sort them out and with what products you used?




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autoglym bumper care its like a green jelly u massage into the plastic

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Halfrauds do a spray paint just for plastics cant remember what is called. No primer needed, just clean plastic with white spirit. It sort of soaks into the plastic leaving it looking brand new. Alot of people have recomended it on here. Im gonna use it when i get my 205 back


Lots of people have recomended the autoglym stuff too, does last as long though

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As mentioned halfords vinyl paint is by far the best product in terms of longetevity. The autoglym green snot works well but doesnt last that long really.

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I use Car Plan (how cheap am I?) black bumper polish. It's unfeasibly black (gets everywhere...) but the faded bumpers suck the wax in it right up, and after a couple of treatments they look great.

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i use autoglym tire shine (or something like that) on the black plastics bits and it looks amazing!


I did try turtal wax bumper care spray but that was naff.

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autoglyms green stuff all the way, only about a 5er as well :( think it,s called bumper and trim restorer :lol:

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i'd swear by autoglym bumper care. Used it all the time on the 106 XSi when i brought it all the trim's were faded brought them back to new straight away :lol:



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Mikey S

i painted mine a couple of years ago with the paint from halfords and in all honesty its utter s*ite :lol:


its starting to flake already and it looks a mess. i was going to have them done properly at a paint shop but it seems like too much effort to remove all the bumpers and trim :(


stick to the autoglym trim restorer, i use it on my 405 and it seems to last for ages.

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Was going to use boot polish on mine but decided on paint instead

worked out rather well



Check it










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haha nice touch

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Well when i wanted to change the look of mine i used some halfrauds black vinyl bumper paint.


Worked a treat, even tho i used about 4 tins of the stuff.


Turned it from











Worth the effort imho.


Ah the memories of the old 205


And now i have one of these



edit=pugtorque. Image file size under 120k please.

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Thanks for all the replys eveyone!

I will give that autoglym a go and see whats happens!

Just want it to last for a long time!

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Not sure if it'll work on a 205, but on my old '89 polo the bumpers were very faded, but a quick, gentle going over with a heat gun brought the original colour back into them. Not too hot though, or you'll jus melt the plastic and make a mess.

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Meguiars #38 trim gel wees all over AG snot in terms of durability but it's no longer produced - Einszett now do a trim gel which from limited use is better still - 5 washes using foam gun only and it's still holding up well :ph34r:

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Smooth peanut butter ! Tasty as well.



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Another vote of Autoglym 'bumper snot'. Lay it on thick and apply a few separate times until you get it looking right.

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Guest Puddlez

definitely definitely without a doubt Autoglym Bumper care!!! It is just amazing stuff and protects the bumpers really well for a good few months. I bought some when i got my Miami and the plastics were all very faded as they would be on a 17 year old car!! and i used one coat of Bumper Care and they serioulsy looked brand spanking new and did so for about a month til i decided i wanted to slap more on, then it mysteriously went missing in my boyfriends uncles bedroom <grr> and they still look pretty good about about 6 weeks of non-application. used some tesco bumper restorer in desperate need after an accident with petrol and it just made it dark for about 2 days. Highly recommended!!!

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I use Car Plan (how cheap am I?) black bumper polish. It's unfeasibly black (gets everywhere...) but the faded bumpers suck the wax in it right up, and after a couple of treatments they look great.


Just bought a bottle of this the other day. Cheap at £2.99

It's liquid boot polish but it brings the bumpers up like new. Will just have to see how long it lasts.




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Remember reading a good 6-9 months ago that someone had phenomenal results using Tetrosyl rubbing compound. Of course this was 2 days after I spent quite a while removing the original bumper which had been screwed-in at various random locations, nutted and bolted (minus thread) here and there and not forgetting siliconed at pretty much every other location - fun and games.


But hey, that new bumper look mmmm and autoglym every few weeks.

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I'll give Autoglym Bumper Care the thumbs up :ph34r:


I've never really liked using these type of products as I'm too lazy and find the don't last. So I was going to paint my bumpers with Halfords Flexible Vinyl paint, but apparently that can flake after a while.


So after reading this I bought some Autoglym snot.


I didn't hold out much hope as not only had my trim faded and started to go white-ish (which I assume was the accumulated wax from the shampoo when I had washed the car. Even if it was all of about 5 times in a year and a half :ph34r: ), but it had also started to go brownish too.


I'm pleased to say that this stuff has done a really good job of making it black again. I obviously can't comment on longetivity yet, but I get the feeling it will last a while as it is really gloopy and seems to cover well. You do need to polish it off with a cloth well though, as it can leave a greasy residue and stuff will stick to it.


Edited by GLPoomobile

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Bilt-hambers auto-balm is fantastic for it - gives a satin finish rather than gloss and it a case of wipe-on, wipe-off.

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Well when i wanted to change the look of mine i used some halfrauds black vinyl bumper paint.


Worked a treat, even tho i used about 4 tins of the stuff.


Turned it from









Worth the effort imho.


Ah the memories of the old 205


And now i have one of these



Oh Well, never mind!

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Guest Puddlez

Ooooh I took a picture the other day of my spolier, half faded and nasty looking and half with a fresh coat of bumper care ill have to get it on my laptop and post it up.. the result is just amazing!

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