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Paint Match For '89 Cti Red

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I've got a large scratch across the boot of my 89 red cti which I'd like to sort out - ideally by respray of whole boot.


Bought some cherry red spray paint from Halfords on saturday and tested it on a scrap of metal, and it's miles away from the colour of mine - it's the much darker red of the late gti / cti. Has mine just faded very badly (it's more of an orangey red) or have I got the wrong colour?


If it is fade, is there another manufacturer's red which would be close enough to get away with?





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Guest gtifinlay

you can never get a good match from halfords on a old car because of fade because they are mixing the colour of paint that was put onto your car in 1989, but spray shops can compinsate for age! so its upto you really,your probably better off getting a panel from a scrap yard.

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I had this problem with my CTI's and if you check the sticky thread paint codes, the cti's had the same colour names but have a differant paint codes, as they were made/sprayed in Italy.

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The CTI red is different to the GTI one.


I did a test on a wing of both colours side by side, but the wing currently 'on loan' to someone, so I can't get a picture.

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I had this problem with my CTI's and if you check the sticky thread paint codes, the cti's had the same colour names but have a differant paint codes, as they were made/sprayed in Italy.


Tetrosyl do a range of spraypaints that are not manufacturer specific but , for instance, do about 40 shades of red.Normal cherry red is in the early 30 range of red :) IIRC their web site will give you an address for a local supplier. Take your petrol cap in for a match.

Halfords also offer a paint mixing service and if you talk to someone in your local branch who knows what they're doing (o.k, that,s a leap of faith in most cases :P ) will be able to compensate in the mixing! Costs 9.99 for only 300ml of spray paint, but seems to apply and cover much better than their standard crud.

BTW- Tetrosyl finish is terrible out of the can and will require a lot of cutting.

The cti bootlid is great for having a large "return edge" to the side bodywork.You should have enough area to blend in the colours by mist spraying into this .


Take a look at the pics in my sig- n/s wing and bootlid of the cti are done in halfords mixed paint for the "scarlet red" that the car is finished in. The gti is painted in Tetrosyl red 32- with the n/s door and rear quarter being unfinished and still in the original cherry red.

Edited by steve@cornwall

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I found my 'orange paint' dissapeers leaving bright red paint with a bit of T-cut... !

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