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Guest jameswalton

Car Sitting Slightly Higher

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Guest jameswalton

sorry if this is a blatantly obvious question, but it bugs me!


i bought my car off my uncle, whos had it since new. I noticed after he had the rear beam done that it sat a little lower at the back...and the front looked a bit higher, thats the best explanation I can give!


Is it just because the rear is slightly lower and it has tilted the shell, or is it something else. Also, what can I do to make it look a bit more level, is it a case of lowering the front end slightly? I dont want to do anything to ruin the handling of the car to be honest but it just a bit wrong in some way..







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Anton green

if it's all in good condition you can either raise the back or lower the front! ;)


But I wouldnt go lower than 20 to 30mm lower as this can start to affect the handling and capability to soak up bumps etc

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Guest jameswalton

i think youre right about lowering..anything more than that and it would start ruining it!


the beam wasn't done that long ago so i might try that instead ... cheers!

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