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Calling All Mi16 Experts!

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I've been offered a complete 405Mi16 (alloy block) for a very nice price. I spoke to a mate of the owner about it (as it was him who advertised it) so details arent totally complete.


Heres what I know:


-> Mileage is unknown (guy couldnt remember what it was)


-> Down on compression on piston 2. The owner said he poured some oil down the bore and the CR went back up. Indicating blow pass on the liner/piston area. - So I would naturally say cracked piston ring. However some digging about on here would suggest that the liners can crack as well!


-> The block was cracked near the water pump housing due to a spacer not being fitted when the engine had a full rebuild 2 years back (Does that make sense?) The crack has since been TIG welded up and hasnt leaked since.


-> Its not using oil or water



What I want to know. Would people suggest to steer clear if I dont want big bills to sort all this? I mean it could be nothing more than a piston ring... but then again it could be cracked liner, knackered piston, damaged block!!! Whats the knowledgable Mi16 owners opnions?? Whats it likely to be? (I can only think that if the block was damaged it would be using oil or water (it isnt) or if the liner cracked then the coolant would be getting pressurised.)


The owner also said that the car starts and runs fine, but is just low on power. (Is their any specific questions anyone can think of I should ask him?)

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