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[engine_work] Project Sarty

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And here is the second diagram. It's the 'feedback loom', and consists of 7 wires going through the bulkhead.




Most of these connections are made via the legendary brown multiplugs here (scroll down a lot to the pictures of the plugs)under the dash/steering column, but there's plenty on this forum about those. Most of these gauges and warning lights can be tested simply by earthing the wire, to read either 'max' or make the light operate.


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Edited by DrSarty

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Super Josh

Looks good Rich :blush: Any particular reason why yo are running the Rev counter from the coils and not directly from the ECU? Does the MS have an RPM output?





Good luck with the installation today :)

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Looks good Rich :ph34r: Any particular reason why yo are running the Rev counter from the coils and not directly from the ECU? Does the MS have an RPM output?



Good luck with the installation today :D


Thanks Josh (as ever). No, it doesn't :) . There's lots of MS megamanual/forum info on the 3 diodes/resistors you need and it seems to be a little bit of suck it and see. Damn, why did I say that? ;)


Relay box finished tonight and installation Easter Friday wiv da' boyz. Wanna join in? And anyone else for that matter? Bacon sarnies abound and then a pub lunch.


Let's just hope the weather holds. :blush:

Edited by DrSarty

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Final diagram: The Relay Box.


This item is actually available ready made (bar a few differences tailored for me like fan override and inertia switch) from DIYAutotune.com. It's only $40, so if you fancy an easy life, this is the way to go. It's set up differently using this pre-made jobbie though, where the MS loom you use is different having DB37 connectors at each end, so is less tailorable. The relay sits in the engine bay (mine and the pre-made), and basically functions as a focus for all after market management, fuel pump and lambda power & earth requirements. Some of these circuits such as fuel pump fusing are still in place in my car, but it made sense to focus it all in one place, as once I'd removed the old Mi loom I had no injector relay etc etc.


It's not difficult to make, but it is a brain ache figuring out how to keep it simple. This ain't simple, hence my detailing it here for you guys that might want to copy or work from it. Any questions like I've said before, post away or PM me.




Points to note: That's 18 wires entering/exiting the (water tight) box. Fusing (other than 20A) should be based on your fan rating and the current requirement of your ancilliaries shown at '$'. My in-situ 205 loom power connector - which used to go to the battery in the bay - now plugs into this. The numbered wires 1 thru 6 are for a 6-way Mate-N-Lok connector. Relays - {a} has a diode to protect the ECU. {b} & {c} are identical and for the fuel pump/LC1 and my fan override respectively. Power for injectors and coils is just via 2-way Mate-N-Loks that join in (run alongside) the MS loom to make everything modular and removable. The inertia switch is from a 306 diesel and (apart from cutting out the fuel pump & LC1 in the event of a smash) will be mounted on a metal plate by the front N/S suspension turret.


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Edited by DrSarty

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Dunno if I'm posting pics for the sake of it here, but I have noticed that things are looking better, e.g. the engine bay.


These are the 3 pins/dowels I tapped in today to help hold the clutch cover in place. As said, they are there to help cope with torque, despite not having any longitudal action against the flywheel. At 96pence for all three, it seemed silly not to put them in and have them share the torque :huh: with the 6 bolts.




A wrapped exhaust and downpipes test fitted on the engine by a clean, refurbed (thanks Miles) and sprayed gearbox



More BE3 porn :P



And a much better looking engine bay, fit for 'Fred' on Friday. Still got the gearbox & starter to fit of course, and to renew the O/S engine mount. Engine hoist booked. Little chums booked. Anyone else wanna play?





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looking good, I love shiny stuff :huh:


I'd unbolt the gearbox mounting and take the stud out of the box as it makes it a lot easier to slide it into place, also don't forget to slide the manifold into the tunnel before dropping the engine in.

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The dowels centre the cover plate, they don't take any loading, that's what the bolts are for :huh:


I'm going to be in Coventry still or I'd come over and lend a hand

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I'm going to be in Coventry still or I'd come over and lend a hand


Shame. And thanks for the correction. I'm hoping it's a productive day; will seem much more like a car then and I can post a pic in the 'show off your engine bay thread' :huh: .

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lol, nice, er, "goal" :huh:


If for some reason I do head home Thursday night I'll drop you a pm

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Well the weather held :P .


I now have...




...in hand because...




...Kyepan arrived (eventually after yet another night on the sauce) :P


...as did Batfink




and together we (Batfink on the right)...




...along with me and a cheeky, knowing grin...




and no arseing about whatsoever..




ended up with good downpipe clearance...





and then, ended up with THIS:






Edited by DrSarty

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OOOOOO s*it my pants I am jealous!!!


Nice to see what you ugly buggers look like too lol :P

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Good stuff! Nice and clean too, its well worth the extra effort.

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Super Josh

Nice one Guys, glad the weather held out too :P




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Nice these are the pics i been waiting for!! :P


Looks good sat in there!!

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it went pretty smoothly :blush: allowed us to lark about a little though Rich stayed serious lol

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how's it going DrSarty?

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how's it going DrSarty?


That's 4 people who've asked me recently. Cool. I've been away on an Afghan prep course, but will graft on the motor tomorrow and post some info and piccies. Anthony still has my ECU so not started yet; otherwise....well, you'll see tomorrow.

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Looking awesome!! Bet it feels good after all this time, effort, blood sweat and tears to see the beast nearing completion!! ;)

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I feel sh1t!!! Despite a lovely sunny day, I struggled outside with this crappy cold bug that's going around (Mannus-Flu-Us) at lunchtime, and have just come in. I've been a sad, silent git all day on my own, getting dirtier and snottier.


I'm ball-bagged and feeling that after nearly 8hours graft on the car with no stops for drinks or owt, I've achieved SFA! :)


I have today started plumbing in the oil filler and breathers, fitted the (1984 BMW 7 series) expansion tank, swapped the wishbones for some poly fitted jobbies and fitted the drive shafts, added the final cooling system hoses, wanged in the driver's seat, filled the gearbox with oil and hung up the exhaust all bar the olive joint.


DO NOT talk about that olive joint! :blush: . I ordered new bolts, springs and washers from Maniflow which included a new olive. I've replaced this before but with a motor factor olive and it all went swimmingly. Not today though, and this was the crowning turd in the standpipe because it would fit in the female (mid-to-rear) section, but not over the outlet of the 2-1 downpipe. It's zip tied up for now until I suss out why the olive only fits one way, but other wise the rest of the exhaust is on its hangers and I can sit in the driver's seat ( :wub: ) and see how sweet the short gear change is on the new box.


Oh and the auto bonnet is on temporarily to check clearances and to drill the holes which I've marked for the bonnet pins, before the bonnet gets repainted.





I'm sure it's all worth it in the end. :lol:

Edited by DrSarty

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That's looking beautiful :blush:

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Looking super sweet there Rich :)


You managed quite a bit considering you must have been on the verge of death with that nasty disease! I bit Afghanistan is a walk in the park compared to man flu :blush:

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Hey Richie,


nice to see the final little details coming together and tie the whole thing to a conclusion (almost) soooo....


Just to keep you on your toes I've pinned down a set of TB's (cheap cheap) for when you come back from the next tour.


Fancy it ? they are mine(yours) for the asking and they are not going anywhere till i say i dont want them, you'll have the squirt running and wth a litlle carefull planning and some trial fitting it should be a weekend job.


I keep meaning to talk to you about brakes and ask what you intend to do about them as realeasing all this torque/power/go and not being able to reign it in seems a little short sighted.



It was good to read all the way through this thread, which took some doing in one stint, having had a hand in the original incarnation and having previously driven you mad when doing my earlier projects feel i should apologise to all the forum members that you have now inflicted yourself upon for causing this.


And yes I still have dreams about cars and engines to the point i wake up and have to write it down so as not to forget.




Looking good richie. dont loose steam now your so close to finishing and really well too. I personally never thought you had it in you and more power to your elbow for this.


see ya friday matey.



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Super Josh

Looking good now Rich :D You must be chuffed with how it's sitting in the bay now :) I feel for you battling on with the Man-Flu, but all the effort will be worth it.




Hi Guy, long time no speak :) We'll have to catch up some time Mate.

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Hey Josh !!


Yes I'd like to catch up soon, maybe richie could bring you up tp our new house when the workshops are up and working.

Dont forget to bring your passpart for border patrol when you come into the fens though !!



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when the workshops are up and working


Yeah baby. Guess who's getting his bonnet resprayed in the paint booth?


Sweet. :)

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