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Guest Mal309

Mi16- Can I Use A 1.6?

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Guest Mal309

Trying to find a 205 to put my new mi16 in. 1.6 seem easier to find than a 1.9, so will a 1.6 205 be up to the mi16 engine???


I am thinking driveshafts and brakes mainly??


Also, will a big disk conversion for a 1.9 fit on a 205??





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An Mi16 will go into a 1.6 using the standard parts i.e. driveshafts, brakes etc. The standard brakes with good pads are up to the job, but a big brake kit is always a good idea. A 1.9 kit wont fit a 1.6 though, unless you use 1.9 hubs and then you need 1.9 driveshafts. Autofive used to supply a version of their big brake kit for 1.6s but they dont stock any kits any more (and they were too expensive anyway). Rally Desing may be able to supply a suitable kit, www.raldes.co.uk

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Guest paul

I used a 1.6 as a starting point, and so far, i've not had any problems with driveshafts. For the brakes i did fit some Tarox drilled and grooved discs, but it still has its drums at the back.


Best thing I did was leaving it looking like a 1.6



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Guest labrat



... that's exactly what I've got planned.


How long ago did you do the conversion ? ... any particular pitfalls I should watch out for ??




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Guest paul

I did the conversion 2 years ago. My friend who's a mechanic did it as a thank-you for being his best man, but me being me took a keen interest, to the point of hindering him. It did do a fair bit myself and learned a lot at the same time.


There aint too may pitfalls. Take your time and do it properly. Replace anything that looks suspect. I would uprate the front discs so budget for a decent set of discs.


It was done before is was online so I did'nt have the benefit of these wise guys. Reliability is improved over the 1.6, and it dont stall anymore!



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Guest labrat

Hi Paul


Thanks for the advice, will definately sort something out for the front disks. I've been seriously considering upgrading the rears to 1.9's ... but as you've not had any problems, maybe I'll leave that till later.


Seems to me that actually sourcing the correct alloy blocked MI16/BX engince may be the most challenging part .... but time will tell.


Did you change the suspension at all ??



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Guest paul

Hi Labrat,


A friend of mine with a 1.9 with the rear discs, reckons my 1.6 has better pedel feel than his, plus the handbrake is better which is a plus as I have a sloping drive and live on a hill. Our 306 with rear discs decided to visit the Bmw that resides 2 doors down.


As for the suspension, the previous year I had new shockers and front strut top mounts. Also the car was lowered 20mm and I also fitted a strut brace. I had the genuine Peugeot shockers, which were cheaper than you think.


I also renewed all the brake flexi pipes.



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Robbie G
  paul said:
Best thing I did was leaving it looking like a 1.6

Totally agree, it must be so much cooler whipping someone in a car that looks like a 1.6 than a faster car.

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Guest paul



It mostly for the benefit of Saxo and Corsa drivers.



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  paul said:
Our 306 with rear discs decided to visit the Bmw that resides 2 doors down.

do you never leave it in gear then?


i'd never trust a pug on it's handbrake alone!


leave it in a forward gear if you're pointin up the hill, and in reverse if you're pointing down.




I live in Bitterne in Southampton, and it's VERY hilly here!

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  Robbie G said:
  paul said:
Best thing I did was leaving it looking like a 1.6

Totally agree, it must be so much cooler whipping someone in a car that looks like a 1.6 than a faster car.

yeah, sleepers rule B)


i think i might win with a Mi-powered XS, though?



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Guest paul



Yes we do leave it gear, but on this occasion it had moved by somebody who was'nt familar with the car and they just put the handbrake on. It sat there for 2 days, but during the day the temperature dropped, the discs contracted, off it went.


Chris the owner of the Bm said at least it did'nt get to the bottom on the street, (its a 1 in 4 hill) as it would of had a 1/4 mile run up.


Not suprisingly it become as bit of an in joke with the neighbours, somebody very kindly donated a house brick, to pop under one of the wheels.


Last laugh has to be the bloke next door who has a Chrysler Neon, he was taking the piss, the bloke opposite said it stopping my car rolling too far down the street would be the best use for it !



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Guest labrat

Thanks for the info.


Sleepers rock :)



Have noticed that with the 1.9 speedlines on (a 1.6) the fronts (most noticably) stick out more .... may be an added benifit as a slightly wider track may help in the corners (to be investigated further when I resolve the tyre question).




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