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How To Tell Between 309 And 205 Wishbones

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i'm stripping a 309 and i wanted the wishbones, but i have a funny feeling one side is a 205 one and the other a 309


how can i tell if they are 205 or 309????

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Measure from the ball joint to a bush, I dont know the figures for each but if the measurements differ then you know you have a problem. You can actually see the difference in length when you hold them side by side although its not a massive amount.

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309 ones:




If you notice the top surface where theres a whole, its completely smooth for the 309 ones. On the 205 they havestraigh diagnal bumps. its hard to explain, but if someone has a pic of a 205 wishbone it will be obvious.



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ah that confirms it then :P


it had one 205 and one 309 :D





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Yea the 205s have webbing which helps identification. It would usually suggest they're stronger too but I'd doubt there's anything in it in reality.

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