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Starting Resistance...

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well i have got my car back on the road after about oa week of doing various bits. it hasnt been running, but i went to start it today and initially the starter motor bogged slightly then turned the engine perfectly. i then took it on a 2mile spin to check everything was running correctly and it was fine all round. however i pulled up, turned the car off, then had to go to the shops later. went to start, and again the motor bogged, this time resisting turning over completely. i turned the key barrel a few times and sure enough it fired up. coming back the same problem happened, this time even worse. i must note that the gearbox has been off of the car, so the starter motor has been off of the flywheel, and we have tightened it up properly. is there a chance we could have placed it too close to the flywheel, thus 'meshing' the gears, or should i just put it down to the car being off the road for a week and then a few short journey not giving the battery a chance to charge?

any advice would be appreciated


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I'd check the brown multiplug (under the AFM) first, especially if you disturbed/disconnected it. Other than that I'd make sure you have good tight clean connections at the battery & the main battery terminal on the starter itself. Also did you clean up the mating surfaces on the starter & gearbox where the two meet before bolting up? That is the main earth contact to the starter so oil or corrosion there could cause trouble. Also check your main earth contact on the gearbox for tightness & cleanliness.

You can't alter the position of the starter in relation to the ring gear so that isn't an issue.

A duff/undercharged battery is a possible culprit, but unlikely if it started readily from cold.

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Sorted one the other week, where the guy had the alternator belt tightened to much and had same symptons as yours worth a look :)

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hi all, well i found the problem this morning, i hadn't reconnected one of the ground connections to the gearbox by accident, i connected that and it started fine, however, my problems do not end there lol. I took it for a considerable drive (half hour say) then parked up at a friends house. from that point forth the starter motor would not do anything, there was no noise at all from it. could this possibly be the heat soak issue or still the connection problems listed above? thanks for your advice

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no worries, problem solved, starter motor solenoid wire disconnected while i was driving, its finally working properly now!

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