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Dash And Centre Console Lights

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I have a problem with my dashboard and centre console lights. Hopefully someone can point me in the right direction. I did quite a few searches and tried some suggestions but to no avail. My prob doesn't seem to be the same as anybody elses!


The dashboard was initially removed to wire the new Emerald ECU to the rev-counter (unsuccessfully). I also needed to replace one of the two bulbs in the centre console (behind the heater dials). All of a sudden these bulbs went out and the dashboard lights stoped working (only the lights that illuminate the speedo, rev-counter and dials), although the warning lights still work (STOP, handbrake, coolant, sidelight, dipped and full-beam).


The only thing I can think of is that I moved or dislodged a plug somewhere, but I unplugged and plugged in everything I could. The fuses in the glovebox are all ok.


I read in another post that the rev counter and the dash lights are earthed together. Is this right, as this is where my prob lies?


Any suggestions as to where to look or what to try??


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Iirc if the dash rheometer, or whatever it is called, is diconnected then the bulbs don't work. It's a connector with an adjustment wheel (on GTis) attached to the lower steering column shroud.

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If you are connecting the emerald directly to the rev counter it will not work, I think someone got it working with another type of counter, or do what I did and buy a little box of tricks from emerald (about £38) that makes the rev counter work.

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Plugging in the dimmer switch made no difference.


Would the dash be earthed in the engine bay somewhere or is it earthed inside the car?


Any other suggestions welcome!


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If you are connecting the emerald directly to the rev counter it will not work, I think someone got it working with another type of counter, or do what I did and buy a little box of tricks from emerald (about £38) that makes the rev counter work.


Why doesn't the original rev counter work with the Emerald ECU?


What's the 'little box of tricks' you recommend from Emerald?



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check the earths on the steering colum, not the dimmer switch.

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I think pugtorque mentioned in another thread, that it uses 12v as the rev counter takes a feed directly from the coil. I think the emerald outputs a 6v signal, so all the box of tricks does is up the voltage to 12v, its easy to fit only 4 or 5 wires.

Edited by vern

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