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Dash Warning Light For The Handbrake

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As the title suggests I am after a few ideas on what is connected to the handbrake warning light as mine has been flickering for a couple of days and now stays on almost constantly.


I've checked the brake fluid and it's fine. The only other things I can think of are handbrake switch (how can I test this?) and maybe the brake pad wear sensors. I know these have a seperate light on the dash but does this warning light come on as well as it's possible the brake wear light doesn't work.


Basically I'm after a few pointers what to look at and test when I get time over the next couple of days.


Cheers, Ren.

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remove the handbrake surround and unscrew the switch, it supposed to have a slider connected to a wire, unplug the switch from the slider and the bulb is supposed to go on or off (no sure)

then take a piece of small wire and and connect one end to the body so it is earthed and one end to the slider, its supposed to invert the bulb ( if it was off it will go on and vice versa.)

if this doesn't help means that the switch is OK.

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the wire that feeds the handbrake sitch is routed really stupidly and not uncommon for it to rub on the chassis around the handbrake and create its own earth.

If you take the console off around the handbrake and wiggle the wire it should confirm this as the light will flicker, if its no different then either the sitch is dodgy or theres an earth fault elsewhere. disconnecting from the hanbrake switch will switch the light off permanently if its a faulty switch, disconnecting the wires from the fluid resevoir cap will switch it off permanently if the fault is the fluid level switch. If trying neither resolves the flickering problem then its definatley an earth fault in one of the wires as they are both earth switched wires.

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Cheers, going to go and have a look at it in a min.


Can anyone confirm or deny if this would also come with the pad wear warning light? The reason I ask is it's only started happening since I changed the wishbones at the weekend so I'm wondering if I caught one of the wires and it's shorting out.



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The red handbrake light has two things connected to it, the handbrake and the brake fluid level. The pads have a seperate yellow light.

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Cheers, sorted now. Well when I say sorted what I actually mean is all the brake fluid had leaked all over the floor and it turned out to be a split in the copper pipe to one of the rear calipers. Bloody thing had fluid in when I checked as well and the light ws going out when I fiddled with a loose terminal on the cap so thought that was the problem. Should have known nothing on a Peugeot is that easy.



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