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Ri Carbs On 1.9gti

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I've got a set of R1 (40mm) carbs and going to get a manifold made at a local engineering shop.


Question I have, the incline of the manifold face is 60degs, but the Carbs if mounted correctly are on a 50 degree incline to keep the float chamber level. So how important is it to keep the level, where the Carbs will be 10degs out of line with the cylinder head face.


Do I ignore this and have the pipes square to the head face or have the pipes 10deg angled to the face to suit.


Has anyone made a manifold using these carbs, if so.


Any tips/info please.



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dont have the pipes square, the carbs will sit too high and your bonnet wont close.

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you have to have the carbs at the correct angles otherwise you will get fuel delivery poblems. That is what I was told, but when you think about it have you ever heard a bike missfire when they wheelie?


If it's a big problem to get the manifold angled then I wouldn't worry about it personally, but it's always best to do things by the book to prevent any possible negative problems

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Thanks for the info.


I assume the angle to aim for, is to keep the joint/gasket of the float chamber bowl level on the carbs.??


Justed checked the carbs against the engine, to try and imagine the angle of the manifold required from the head face to mount the tops of the carbs no higher the current manifold. Its a heck of angle to mate up with carbs keeping the chamber level.


Has anyone got any photo's or links of these R1 carbs mounted on a 1.9GTI with a homemade or purchased manifold.



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heres a pic of them on a straight manifold, these are gsxr carbs on an R1 manifold which didnt quite match up hence the longer pipes between carbs and mani, Ive now respaced the carbs and they sit closer so the bonnet goes on.

A standard bonnet would not clear these like this, I have a bonnet skin on bonnet pins for the extra clearance.




PS gsxr carbs are the same just different spacing and thats a bogg bros manifold.

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Thanks Richie for that. :)



One other question I have,


The R1 carbs are 40mm bore, so then using 40mm bore tubing to suit. Do you leave the tube or manifold plate at that, mounting to the head. Or are the tubes and plate squared off to suit the square ports or are they modified to suit the tube @ 40mm.


Thanks again.

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mine are 40mm bore but the base plate is cut to shape of the ports then inside it is welded and die grinded so the bore flows down to port shape internally.

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