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Gearbox Oil Seal

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The N/S oil seal housing is damaged on the lower half. And, enen though I have used silicone sealant on the seal, it is still weeping.

I am going to pop the bugger out again, re-seal with silicone and push it all the way home. As opposed to fitting it flush with the housing. I really do hope that will be the end of that.

Does anybody have any words of wisdom and experience they wish to share, before I commence?

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Don't bother with sealant. If you want some decent seals give Paul at 205parts.com a shout as he sells there rather cheap and excellent quality.


Just make sure all surfaces are clean, and its fitted flush and be super careful when fitting the shaft.



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Alastairh, you don't understand. The lower half of the housing has been bent slightly, hence the weeping oil. Without sealant it will simply not seal.

I'm hoping that pushing it fully in it will seal against the rear, as opposed to the immediate surface.

Otherwise, I will possibly need to replace the complete input housing.

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