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Mi16 Info

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Hello all...


I am going to be replacing the driveshafts on my car.


Its a 1.9 GTI 205 89G with Mi16 engine.

Gearbox is lift and up to the left for reverse (dunno what type that means it is)


The guy at GSF said was it 405 or 205 driveshafts???


I am assuming 1.9 205 gti driveshafts????



What are other peoples experiences of this? What are they likely to be?



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They'll be 205 driveshafts. The 405 ones are too long to fit.

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As said, just the original 205 driveshafts. The gearbox is pretty much the same as the original one.

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As said, just the original 205 driveshafts. The gearbox is pretty much the same as the original one.





Right- I have been told its got a 1.9 box with quaife ATB in it.


Would a 1.9 box have the lift up and up left reverse?



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Yes you have a be1 box so just order 1.9 shafts, there all the same

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see ya other post about drive shafts ;)

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