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Where Should These Bits Be?

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don't think that temp sender should be sat there where it is, is there a specific place it should be?


also, what is this brown thing for and what does it connect to?




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Temp sensor sits in a cradle under the passenger side headlight I think. Couldn't tell you where the brown plug goes without a wider photograph i'm afraid.

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they're both behind the rad at the moment. it's wired in to teh same part of the loom at the blue connector for the water temp sensor in the radiator, but there's nothing for it to connect to.


That said, some super clever previous owner has turned a lot of the loom into chocolate blocks and feta cheese.

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On mine the part in the top photo sits ina clip mounted on the radiator engine side. Temp sensor of some sort I presume.


Brown plug???? guessing it could be connector for the fans??? others will know for sure better let them answer that!

Edited by skeggyrik

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on mine that brown plug doesnt go anywhere, possibly a diagnostics port?, the fan relay thing just hangs down behind headlight. It used to clip to back of rad but theres nowhere for it on the ally rads.

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the resistor thingy is for controlling the differnt fan speeds, it usually goes in a metal clip on the front panel but these tend to have rusted away to nothing on most 205's i've seen. I've cable tied mine to the other part of the loom to stop it banging about, however make sure it isn't touching the other wire's as i'm fairly sure it gets hot in operation and could cause meltage!! or that could just be the headlight resistor one that gets hot and looks identical.


The connector doesn't connect to anything, it is to check whether the fan is working, if you bridge the different pins you can see whether the high and low speeds are functioning. Iirc the centre wire is the 12v, so bridge that with one of the outer pins and the fan should operate. One of the outer pins will do the low speed the other the high speed.



Edited by M@tt

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the cylinder in the top piccie is a resistor - there might be two in the area of the n/s headlight; one's for the dip dim headlamps and the other is for the two speed fan. turn h/lamps to dim dip and remove resistor to find out which is which.

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the first one is a resistor. On mine it is on top right corner of the radiator (when looking towards the car) between the engine and the radiator.


if the other one is close to the radiator it might be the connector that goes into the radiator. not sure, have to check about that.

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As said, the resistor in the top picture is for the fan speed, the dim-dip one has a plug on short wires but the fan one plugs straight into the loom.


M@tt has the brown plug use exact. :)



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cheers guys :). this place rules!

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