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Ignition Amp

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Alright the igniton amp's cable on my mi loom won't reach the heatsink where it was mounted when running a 8 valver so i was wondering what would be suitable as heatsink for the ign amp? i know that heatsink paste for a pc will do for when i mount just want to know a suitable heatsink :( ...... thinking along the line of aluminium?? just under 50mm thick?? ........

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Hi Jim,


Had this conundrum when I fitted my Turbo. I used the heatsink PC stuff, bolted the ign.amp. to a 5mm sheet of alu and then bolted that to the upright on the driver side engine mount, its been fine, granted I've never been on any really long journeys..


You could extend the plug also, so it reached to orig. location also if you wanted, as I had to do this also when moving my ECU.



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I was tempted to extend the wiring but don't really want to touch any more if i can help it :( ..... i shall go and get a pice of alu tomorrow if i can and some paste...... and do that......... cheers!! now all i have to do is sort out the leak by the water distributer......... tighten up the exhaust at the manifold and hopefully be away!! :( .... when it starts to just goes really high on the revs then stalls -_- but least it turns!! i got a funny feeling that that is due to the exhaust not tightened up and the amp not properly heatsinked :P

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