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Guest Vrooom

Removing Front Window Screen?

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Guest Vrooom

I want to remove front window screen as i got surface rust :) on top. I want sort the surface rust.






How can i do it? is there a special tool out there that do the job


Or shall i sell it and get other 205 :o

Edited by Vrooom

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Dont try and get the screen and the rubber out intact, its very haphazard and next to impossible! Best bet is to cut the outer lip off of the screen rubber, that just leaves the screen laying in the remains of the rubber. Then just go to Pug (or the scrappy depending on how flush you're feeling) and get a new rubber. :D

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I agree with the above however I'm not sure getting another rubber from a scappy is a great idea as you will most likely have to smash the windscreen to get the rubber out in one piece. You could try a local windscreen fitting firm as they maybe able to supply a new rubber cheaper than Pug direct.

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I had mine removed by a friend not sure how he did it but he didnt cut the seal or anything.

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On Wednesday me & a friend removed 2 windscreens & fitted 1 back in.


To remove we:


1. Squirt water/washing up liquid onto seal where it meets windscreen. Lift up seal with fingers and get the liquid right in there ;)


2. I sat in car while mate used suckers on the outside. I pushed (not kicked) on one side, then when it started to come out of the seal I moved my feet over and pushed on the other side. The suckers were mainly used so when the screen came out it did not fly out and smash on the bonnet ;)


3. Then just remove the seal from the car body.



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Rubber new from pug isn't that expensive, about £11 iirc.


Part# 8120.64 Front windscreen seal (non sunroof one though i think)

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Before cutting the rubber to remove your screen check your glass first, if it's damaged or scratched you might as well just push it out and get a new glass rather than a new rubber. They can be had for about £40 new.


If you do decide to take it out that way, take a flat bladed screwdriver wrap some electrical tape around the end so it isn't sharp and pointed and then take a seat in the passenger side. Apply pressure to the inside of the glass in the corner and put the screwdriver in behind the rubber lip. You then work your way along the top to the middle and down the side unlipping it all the way. Go round to the other side and repeat. This should still leave it lipped along the bottom allowing you to get out and lift the glass and rubber out in 1 piece stopping it sliding down your bonnet. Use the methods described in the other topic to refit.


NOTE: Do not put too much pressure on the glass else it will crack (obviously not a problem if you're replacing it)



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