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605 Srti / 205 Gti Conversion

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Hey rex, sorry to hear it wasnt ready for le mans, damn those electrical niggles!

I had my fair share too :D


Cone filter does have a 2.5" exit yes, it's an ITF filter.

Bonnet lifter's are originally for a Vauxhall nova, there's a thread about it somewhere.

Just search 'bonnet lifters' and it should come up and will tell you all the relevant details.i.e

you need to fit the ball sockets of a 106 boot into the bonnet and wing, as ones supplied with

the kit are the wrong thread size, unless you fancy retapping :)


I only have one fitted at the minute, but it still hold's the bonnet up fine and even lifts it up

further making the daylight shine in a bit more, for those hard to reach places.




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Cheers Sam, I'll give it a try later.


Yeah, electrical niggles - nothing to do with the engine side of things, I've now got no reverse lights, the electric windows no longer work, and abviously, the rev counter doesn't work. Ah well, details...


Here's the homemade stainless exhaust - well I already made the back years ago but obviously re-made the downpipe. I haven't put the Lambda sensor in yet - am still waiting for the stainless nut I ordered. She sounds swee-eet though.






Also having problems with the I/C to inlet manifold as I AM keeping that standard grill - I'm making a stainless "box" instead of elbowed hose....we'll see. :wacko:


Anyway, speak soon. Regards, Rex

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Ok...stupid question time.


Obviously I've extended the bottom mount quite some to avoid it fouling, but I notice now that the drive shaft is now at a fairly bizarre angle?


How has anyone else dealt with this, or can the shaft take the added angle?


Other than that, I'm on with the plumbing side of things....sometime soon. Maybe. Honest :lol:





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OK. Proper pissed off. Got the plumbing sorted out and after having it running for the first time over an extended period of time to bleed it up, the head gasket is chucking oil out down the cam belt side of the engine.


If you don't hear from me again then you know I've given up on this money-pit of a project. :blink:


I knew I should have stuck to V8's :lol:

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What happened then rex? Hope you got it sorted! :)

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Hiya Baz,


Yeah.....Still chuckin' money at it. I'm nearly back to where I started before the head gasket s*it itself, with the obvious extra port and polish and re-ground valves etc.... Even found time to polish the rocker cover :lol: Original wheels are back on and re-furbed (finally), the lambda snesor is in the pipe now but remains to be wired up and I'm still waiting for inspiration for my intercooler pipes....






But yeah, still with it, thanks for asking ;)


Regards, Rex

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HI Rex, sorry didn't see your last couple of replies there!

Glad your still with it though :lol:




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craig f90

Yey, nice one for carrying on Rex ;) Ive been following your post for ages. Then came your bad news :lol: Im really chuffed you've not given up. ive just started mine, and have often concidered giving in, but theres something about the guys on this forum that inspire me to carry on. You are also proof that its no good just giving in. I love the way youve mounted the rad and intercooler. Top job.

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Hiya Sam, Craig,


Yeah, still struggling on. My mate here started a full Westfield build from scratch with something based on an S2000 engine and he's nearly finished....heh, well, he's spent a few more Euro's than myself mind and "works" for the local government :D


I kept the data for the laser cut-outs for the mountings of the rad and intercooler mountings if anyone wants to have a go themselves....oh, and the standard grill fits boys....:)


Speak soon(ish), Regards,



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OK - dumb question time again. How many of you are using power steering?


I've given up trying to convert the 605 pulley to keep it in it's original location in front of the top engine mounting. Had a brainwave this afternoon about mounting an electric one - should save a slight amount of power too. I have one here from a late model Clio.........


Any thoughts, as usual :P, will be appreciated.





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Thanks again, Sam :)


This project is going to cost me more in rouge and horsesteak if I'm not careful :(

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craig f90

Congratulations on getting the standard grille to fit. From what i've read on here it is near impossible. My car's looks have gone way past a sleeper. working in a vehicle body shop has that kind of affect on what your car looks like. Power steering? What a luxury.

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Hi Craig,


Yeah, the grill - only I think the power purists will have a go at me because the feed from the i/c to the throttle body wil be an aluminium "box", rather than tubular. Frankly, I can't see it making a huge difference but we'll see. It has to look standard, that's my only criterea as I'm to old for the boy racer thing :D and they look their best as Peugeot created them anyway IMO!


I'm working on the "box" this week - the laser cuts are done. Then the rest of the air piping in s/s and the power steering and I'll think she'll be ready for a blast down the road....heh, will that day ever come :) ?


Regards, Rex

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craig f90

To be honest rex keeping the car original from the outside will only add to the grin factor, Imagine keeping up with those modern cars in your standard (looking) 205. There are going to be some very bemused drivers out there. I think it will make very little difference to power out put surely there would be as much air in your box for your engine to breathe as there would be in a pipe?? I'd imagine the size of your i/c and air filter would restrict air flow, and at least there will be no probs with split pipes. With all of that s/s and the parts youve polished up on your engine, it will look great when youve popped the bonnet open. :)

The day will come when you get to take it out, youve got this far now, so it will happen.

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craig f90

To be honest rex keeping the car original from the outside will only add to the grin factor, Imagine keeping up with those modern cars in your standard (looking) 205. There are going to be some very bemused drivers out there. I think it will make very little difference to power out put surely there would be as much air in your box for your engine to breathe as there would be in a pipe?? I'd imagine the size of your i/c and air filter would restrict air flow, and at least there will be no probs with split pipes. With all of that s/s and the parts youve polished up on your engine, it will look great when youve popped the bonnet open. :)

The day will come when you get to take it out, youve got this far now, so it will happen.

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craig f90

Applogies for putting same post up twice :)

What i was going to ask was, did you take sams advice on the pump? or use your clio one? (He's been a great help with my conversion. When i get stuck he gets me sorted out again. Legend.)

Edited by craig f90

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  rex said:
Thanks again, Sam :)


This project is going to cost me more in rouge and horsesteak if I'm not careful :ph34r:






Rex, your last name wouldn't be Barrett would it ?! Only just thought about this really and it would be totally insane if it were ?

But I bet it's not, lol



Looking forward to seeing this 'airbox' you've come up with, if you want to see the ultimate inlet manifold for this engine, have a look :) (DP engineering)


Moves the torque up the rev range more.. I WANT :D . But the price :lol:


Congrats on getting the grille to fit by the way :blush:

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:) OMG :blush: Despite I owe you big for all the help, I will be billing you for a pair of undies. :ph34r:


Heh, I can make that. Don't tell me that runs on the original engine management system??? How much is it and who has one to copy?? You're right mate, got to have one of them - she's nearly as sexy as Monica Belucci. What are the power gains? Is that really using 8 injectors?


By the way, Rex is my dog not me - got to keep a bit a bit of anonymity and all that :lol: Real name is Richard.


All the best mate...

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Hi Craig,


That's the plan. Daily driver is a de-badged and chipped Volvo T5R at the minute. Never commercialized is France so it really get's the "OMFG" factor when you leave the boy racers behind - which is what I'm intending for the 205.


I think the "box" will loose power simply because it isn't tubular, despite the cold air being forced through it. Still, it's not a 800bhp race car so I imagine it will be negligable - and after seeing Sam's last post, I've already got the horn for something else :) Dammit, I've already made the air pipes....

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craig f90

I used to have a soft spot for T5's. as did a friend of mine. They used to be police cars around our area.

I see what you mean with that inlet manifold, sam seems to be able to find some very special parts for these engines, I wonder what he's brewing up??

I understand what your saying with the "box" who cares if you loose a little perfomance? as long as your 205 looks the way you want it. it will still be a rapid 205!!

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From Pieter Oonincx at http://www.dp-engineering.nl/EN/


Let me start with thanking you for your interest in our products and services!

Yes, we do produce (build on order) sheet aluminum performance intake manifolds for the XU 8v engine. It comes with a 70mm throttle body (70mm plate), tapered velocity stack runners, fuel rail, throttle cable bracket and connections for idle air speed and various vacuum sources. The plenum volume is matched for the 1998cc engine and the runners for torque up in the rev range.


Price for the manifold (including parts mentioned above);

Wait for it ....











Price including VAT 1.300,67 - Now my guess is that is in Euro's (kind of hopin too!)


Rex, if you can make those, then I'll be the one buying the rouge and possibley a whole Horse :wub:


It's part of the reason the standard engine makes so much torque and low revs to do with the standard intake manifold !

Im loving my new stamp vented boonet BTW, open the window and listen to the air filter sucking away and the compressor stall reverberating back through

it :wub:


(The first picture I posted of that manifold is on Boeseturbo's engine in Germany)




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Hey guys thats not too discimilar to the old BX 1.9 8V / 405 SRI inlet manifold assy (minus 4 injectors though) ,(Avail at most good scrappies throughout the uk) !,It was mentioned to me about using the XM 8V 2.0i manifold but its been so many years since Ive seen one of those old donkeys let alone worked on one that Im stuffed if I can remember what they look like ! (manifold that is not XM !) :wub: .





Edited by whizzer71

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Yeah I remember reading a post by Lee (jacobs53) about the XM manifold, has twin butterflies supposedly!

Their's also topics on how you can't use xu9 (205) manifolds on this engine as the injectors fire at completely the wrong angle :wub::wub:

Dont know about the BX/SRI ones though..


DP is it then :wub:

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Thanks for the replies fella's.


I had a twin butterfly assembly that I welded onto the XU9 inlet manifold from a 405 SRi. After, I went on to a single throttle body of a 635i with the airflow meter but it was all huge amounts of work.


Sam - do you know where the 70mm throttle body comes from? Will it run on the existing ECU?


I can't see a lot of problems making it other than the time and the material - but it would be nice to have one here to make an exact copy.... :wub: Anyone fancy shelling out 1300 euros for me to get one for next to nowt? :wub:

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