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Anton green

Mi16 Cam Cover Polishing

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Anton green

While my Mi16 cam cover is off the car I would like to polish it back to it's metal colour and have a silvery engine. Are there any side / after effects I should look out for? Should I apply lacquer, should I not apply lacquer?, should I leave the cover in a bare metal state?


Thanks, Anton

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it'll soon start to corrode if left bare, not sure about the 1.9 engines but the 2.0 ones have a magnesium casting, and this corrodes rapidly if unprotected.

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Would you happen to know if normal paint lacquer will stand being upon the cam cover?




paintguy (and others) have provided great advice for painting cam covers. They advised me on my recent 8v version, that used laquer as a finish



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hey, i polished my mi16 cover an after about 4-5 weeks it went dull, if you do polish it you will have to give it a light polish monthley, as for corrosion i wouldnt worry its fairly well protectd that high up and if you use good ppolish say autosol (ithink is what i use) it gives it a laquery protection


as for lauering it it wont work the laquer needs something to get a hold of to stick, when its pollished its perfectly smooth...


heres a pic of mine (not amazing pic but you get the idea)



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Anton green

Great finish on your cover there. I am going for a brushed finish and lacquer. I made a start this evening and so far so good.

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