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Mi16 Uprated Head Gaskets!

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hi, Im just about to change the head gasket on my ally mi16 and have been told it would be a good idea to fit an uprated gasket instead of the standard item. Only thing is i cant find anyone who sells them yet so could someone point me in the right direction, also do you think its worth it or shall i just fit the standard one. The car will be running on twin webbers eventually if that makes any differance?


Cheers Matt.

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paul wicks

You could go for a Spesso one, although the standard Peugeot one should be fine unless you are planning serious engine mods.

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You could go for a Spesso one, although the standard Peugeot one should be fine unless you are planning serious engine mods.


Hi. How do you rate the head gasket ? I'll be needing a new one shortly and at present I have a Peugeot Grp A one but the cost of a new one has rocketed to stupid pounds :blush:

How many miles have you done with the one you have ? And what kind of driving ? Hard or just casual ? I presume your running High Compression ?

Sorry for all the questions - I used standard gaskets at first but found them to be unreliable blowing 2 in not a very long time so I purchased a Grp A one and never had any trouble with it. I was extremely confident with it and never gave it a second thought once fitted but am fooked if I'm paying near on £300 quid for another so I am myself looking for an alternative.


Cheers Daz

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