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Header Wrap...

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Hi !


Has anyone use this ? :blink: need some info abaut this product - good , bad , why good why bad :P ..


thanks ! :(

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Do a wee search. It's been discussed before. But most people would be against using it as it can hold the heat in the manifold and back in to the head which can cause problems like premature cracking of the manifold and in extreme cases head and valve damage.

A vent at the back of the bonnet would help to draw hot air out if it was a causing a problem but I can't really see it doing much.




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glad some1 commented on this becuase i was going to do it to mine as ive removed all the heatshielding

Edited by 205_sunderland

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ok. so what is our conclusion on this subject :) ?! it's not so good thing to do or ?

somebody else maybee please comment ...

I have read somevhere that mainfold wraped with this tape holds heat inside which makes exhaust flow faster and can help a little on exhaust scavenging .

Is all this true ? and is this of any use on medium modified road car . ...


thanks B)

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It's got good points and bad points... I used it on my Mi16 4-2-1 manifold and it SERIOUSLY keeps the heat out of the engine bay and in the exhaust... can't say I noticed any issues with it putting heat back into the head TBH.


The only MAJOR downside I can see is that it promotes corrosion of the manifold metal as it retains all the moisture over time etc. Here's a pic of the manifold when I removed it after about 8 months use, though it wasn't new to begin with:




Here's a few pics and link to more of how I wrapped the manifold:






More pics here: http://www.mdracing.co.uk/rebuild.asp#5


So there are pro's and con's... but for me I'd do it again and I'd do it everytime :)

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Great ! :)


thanks B)

Edited by DamirGTI

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leon 1.9

You can get sticky silver tape that you could add over the insuation that should help to keep out some of the water. Could also spray the manfold with High Temp paint to prevent surface rust a bit more too.


Only novice suggestions but they might help!

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