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Can't Get The Bolt Off The Torsion Bar!

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On one of the torsion bars there was a bolt rather than the stud with a 13mm nut.


The bolt came out easily and I've raised that side up by 15mm no problem.


I'm now trying to do the other side but I can't get that nut off! If I use a ratchet it just spins the stud and using a spanner and screwdriver in that slot is destroying the slot.


I managed to get it undone about a turn or 2 but it's gone tight now and I can't get it any further undone.


Is there a way I can remove the whole stud and just replace it with a bolt like the other side? If I can't get it undone I can't get the torsion bar out to match the other side. :)

Edited by Jrod

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it should have the stud and nut to set the trailing arm end play, without this the seals wont last very long, and you know what happens when the seals fail!


best bet it so keep turning it and it will eventually unscrew from the torsion bar (but still be attached to the beam with the 13mm nut) then cut through the stud with an angle grinder or hacksaw and replace it, dont forget half a ton of copper grease.

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Ok so I've got the TB off but am left with a nut and stud.


Not enough gap for a hacksaw. didn't want to take beam off but can't angle grind that close to the tank. :)


Anyone got a part number for these studs or got any spares sitting around? Need 2.

Edited by Jrod

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Cheers. :)


Wonder if a nut splitter would get the current one off.

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You could hacksaw the nut from its side rather than from the top, that is along to the stud, rather than perpendicular.

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good thinking! cut the nut in half, then just poke the stud through.

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