I'm intending to change the wires on my sensor loom at some point in the near future so cut one out from the main engine loom of a G Reg CTi in my local scrappy to take measurements.
To make things easier for myself I made a diagram as searching for info on the multiplug is a nightmare, but I spent a while searching anyway and tried to track the alternative wiring setups that Peugeot used.
After this I've ended up with three diagrams that about sum up the variation in the multiplugs:
G-Reg CTi
Now can someone check that these are right first of all? I didn't take the 6pin plug off the CTi so I'm not certain it's right.
Also I tried to work out Dreamweavers and Sonofsams wiring layouts, so if I've got them wrong then please tell me and I'll fix the diagrams.
From what I've read pins 1 to 8 of the 9 pin plug are always the same which makes my life easier, am I right in assuming this?
I was thinking of making a new separate loom for the sensors (pins 1 to 8 plus the starter solenoid wire) with no engine bay multiplug, just straight through wires from the 9 pin to the components. If there is any call for it I'd make them to sell once I've got the hang of crimping, but by the looks of it they'd never be plug n play. I also have to work out where in the bulkhead I can feed the new loom through
Also is there any call for making an article to make up for the difficulty in searching for information on the multiplugs or am I the only one to have problems?
Sorry if this post is a bit rambling
edit: this is the latest version of the diagram, so you don't have to go through all the topic pages: