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Are There Different Cam Belt Covers?

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Just bought a full set of cam belt covers including the one with the timing hole for the crank pulley. Compared them with the side of the engine and the bits of original and they don't look right. The original bottom one for behind the crank pulley was held in place by two bolts which went into the side of the block but the new one has wider spaced holes which can be bolted on to the piece above but not to the block itself??? Also the original top cover was metal with holes that 2 pieces of threaded metal (for want of a better word) stuck thro for nuts to hold down on but new one is plastic with no where for these to go. Have searched and searched but the whole cam belt cover area seems a bit of a grey area.


So, even though they look about the right shape and size, is this the wrong set of covers? My car is a 1989 8v, with the spring loaded tensioner.


If anyone can shed some light on my problem, that'd be a great help.

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cars like yours used the metal covers, later ones used the plastic ones, I'm not sure if theyre uinterchangeable or wether the tensioners affect it though

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The late 8v's used the 16v lower cover and end plate on the block, and the main belt cover is different too, It's all changable but means a fair amount of work

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oh pants :-( I'm never gonna get this car back on the road at this rate. all i need is a lousy piece of plastic. Just waited a whole week for new covers aswell.

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