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Ford Probe Dilema

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Hi, i have a slight problem with a probe. Its a 1996 2l 16v FS engine. Another garage has put another engine in it a while ago and its not ran since then.

Im 99% sure its the distributor/coil assembly but at £571 for a new one im quite reluctant to get one, especially since the car isnt worth much more.


The car is fuelling fine but there is no spark. Im pretty sure that all the spark control happens inside the distributor assembly but there is still a crank and cam signal that go off to the ECU for the sequential injection. The cam and crank signal is perfect. I can create a spark in the coil by earthing a pin on the 3 pin connector on the top of the assembly for the coil. This wire is a soild green wire which i think just goes off to the rev counter, but i think its supposed to be earthed inside the distributor assembly through a transistor which is connected to the cam/crank sensors. The problem is the earth isnt being pulsed so not producing the spark. Any experiences of this? It not the common problem with the ignition amp signal being blocked by the immobiliser which is common on probes.


The engine is the same as many mazdas.


Thanks guys.

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think they had a problem when they were just out with dizzys packing up on them

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