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Be1 + Be3.

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Been searching and would like something clarifying please.

Do both boxes willingly accept the gear rods?


When on is it only the shortest of the three that needs adjusting to set the central position of the gear stick?


Would it be a massive or worthwhile or cost effective (gearbox on or off) job to change the gearbox mounts?


Swift replies would be lovely.

Merry sunday,


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gearbox mount is easy to change


remove battery


place jack under gearbox and take the weight


unbolt and remove the mounting


fit new mounting and its central nut


remove jack so that the mounting takes the weight then refit the 2 nuts that hold the mounting to the battery tray.

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as for the gear rods it depends which ones you get, some just push on others push on and you fit a clip, then you have rose jointed which takes a bit more to fit and is more expensive.


not sure on the compatability of the rods, but whoever you buy them from should be able to advise.

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The rod's all fit, You'll have to adjust the 2 shorter one's to suit, but it's always worth doing this as no 205's are really the same.

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