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Whats This Sensor?

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it's at the back of the engine


the first pic shows the actuall sensor



the second pic shows roughtly where it is










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thats an oil level sensor, very unusual on 205 8vs but all 16v blocks have them.


they aren't supported by the 205 dash, only in bxs, 306s, 405s etc.

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can i wire this up to something????


seperate sensor???

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You'd probably do best to fit some BX clocks...


The way it works on a BX is that the oil pressure gauge shows the oil level for the first 30 seconds after you turn the ignition on, after that time the backlight goes out and it shows oil pressure as normal.


If you plug BX clocks in everything works except for the oil pressure/level gauge so it shouldn't take too much work to wire it up, there is an extra controller module on the back of the clocks that looks like an afterthought.


Several people have spoken of doing it over the years but I'm not sure if anyone has actually got it working in a 205...?

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This is a bit of a stab in the dark but the Xantia has an oil level light that comes on with the ignition and goes out after about 10 seconds if the level is correct. It seems a good system and only occasionally cries wolf if the car is parked on a slope :)


Maybe, if the Xantia, the BX, 405 etc, use the same sensor it might be possible to use a spare warning lamp on the 205 dash to show oil-level. There are plenty of unused lamps on the 205, Diesel pre-heat and "K" light immediately come to mind.

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