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Wiring Routing

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I have a Phase 1 1988 205 1.9 GTi


The Engine bay wiring around the battery and fan relay etc is shockingly rusted up! There seems to be some sort of original box of wires with a number of relays on it and lots of wires for the lights etc going to it.


As my cars is totally stripped and i only have a number of loose wires, i'm totally fubar'd!


Does anyone have any pics of this part of the engine bay wiring? or better still the original wiring location pictures Peugeot Produce?





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Ive got mine totally stripped at the moment but my fuse board and relays are in the cockpit not in the engine bay so nbot sure if pictures would be of any use to you. If you have a haynes book of lies that will have wiring schematics that should enable you to get most of them to the right location.

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Ok thanks anyway Richie, are they in the cockpit because you've taken them out of there? My fuse board is in the glovebox - always has been but i just need to get my head round what these wires are for coz when i rebuild i'm gonna replace all the wiring for new anyway.


Will try post some pics of the box up sometime this week



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