I have got a 1.6 gti and i have searched the forum but have had no joy.   Here is a picture of my engine bay     I only brought the car a week ago and first thing i noticed was the aftermarket air filter isnt exactly in a good place. It is nicely situated at the back of the engine bay with no cold air feed, umm nice HOT air...   So i want to sort this out. I have seen pictures of people running their after market air filters down the front of the engine bay. I want to be able to do this and I know that to do so I will need an adaptor such as the KnN so the two pipes can connect up to it.   But the problem is, I have got power steering so surely the resivour tank (bottom right of the engine bay) will get in the way. So how do i get around this problem? Relocate the resivour? If so how? or can't I?   Any help would be great   Thanx