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Rear Beam Compatibility For Stock Models

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Would I be correct in saying that pretty much all stock models (with the exception of the vans) will have the same rear beam? I think my GLD rear beam has siezed. If cheap then I'll fit another, if not and it is definetely siezed then it is off to the scrappy with it I'm afraid.


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The smaller engined cars won't have an Anti Roll Bar and may have thinner Torsion bars, you're best off finding another diesel or a GTi beam. I think the CTi had a similar setup to the diesel though so it might be worth checking for them.

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205 van beams have heavy duty mountings and Anti roll bars like the gti, and also have thicker torsion bars than the GTi!!

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They all have a very similar beam spec but with minor differences for the torsion bars & arb (if they have one).


Best bet for a replacement is an XS or GTi but even if you get one cheap I'd rebuild it if the rest of the car is good before fitting. Might cost £150 on total but worth it imo.



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The car isn't the best example of the breed but it is (was until I laid it up) a reliable runner, really if I had to spend £200 on it I would be better off scrapping it as it is not worth £200 even with an MOT and it doesn't have that either at the moment.

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If you want to get it back on the road, the easiest thing to do is just get a late base model beam from a low mileage car, and assuming it moves freely and isn't cambered then that'll probably do fine for that car - if it doesn't have an ARB and the diesel does then just swap it over.

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