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de Noir

[car_restoration] Sorrento Gti16v Full Rebuild

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oh my god, gonna be mintier than mighty mint, really want to see my pug looking like that one day...can't wait to see it finished...LIVE

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de Noir

Step by step...


DSCF0057.thumb.jpg > PB110017.thumb.jpg > PB110033.thumb.jpg > PB260036.thumb.jpg



Edited by MH_

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i just read the whole topic, it looks stunning! i wish you the best of luck in the rest of the build and will be following with interest.



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de Noir

Cheers mate, tryin' my best. :wacko:


Refresh time.. Mainly regular assembly stuff with regular expected and unexpected problems.

Some unexpected unexpected stuff popped up though! I guess I need a pop-up blocker! :lol:


Also, added some personalised stuff.



Wiring, airbox and dashboard:





Airbox fully cleaned and rebuilt, klick.


Made myself a pollution filter:





Also refreshed the whole sunroof assembly, klick






Going on strong! :D

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i hope one day i own a house with a garage so i can rebuild a car. great work, something i would love to do one day.

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Come on MH we are all waiting more pics and uploads, don´t keep up us wait too long...or just show up with the finished project on Euro Trip meeting in Pula..that would be just fine... :):blink:

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de Noir

Guys, as you may have noticed I'm stuck with this project. Again. It's kind of normal with me... :P

Although I have aimed for it, unfortunately I won't be joining euro trip stopover in Pula. I'm truly sorry. :P

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de Noir

Stuck or no stuck, some work has been done since last time. :)


Carried on with interior and wiring, fuseboard relations were tough to solve.

Haynes both for 205 and 309 were wrong to some point (!) but with some outside help and my own photos, managed to get through.





Before assembling the dash completely, I pulled the engine to the daylight and stripped the loom down, because it needs to be connected with the 'car' wiring first.


Loom 'lifting' included cleaning everything, swapping broken connectors, taping everything nice and neatly, new sleeves where needed.





Connecting 309 GTI 16 engine wiring with 205 GTI instrumentation and power control turned out to be almost the plug & play thing.

9pin connectors were exact match, but 6pin connector on 205 'side' needed to be mated with 7pin connector on the engine loom.

This caused many greys. :D


Haynes proved to be helpful here, somehow managed to crack it (i'm totally and completely illiterate for electric shemes, er, I was until this :) ).

7pin connector as it turned out, had one dead pin, and another one needed to be swapped from position 1 to position 7 or vice versa I don't remeber it any more. It easily connects with 6pin conenctor, so that is it. I hope!! :D:lol:




Dash is now almost done, with sweet part remaining:





Front seats had some stitches torn apart, mostly regular stuff, an apart of vanished outside bolster were fine. Decided to repair where needed and tighten everything a bit. After thorough chemical cleaning and leather treatment they should be good as new. :D





This was the right moment to solve the drivers seat height issue:




Proven recipe for lowering the drivers seat is to bin the tilting mechanism. Downsize of this is loss of seatbelt lock, as it is mounted on tilting part.

At first I though of using 5dr seat rails, and got miself one donor seat.

Measuring it proved that 3dr tilting seat has slimmer back-forth adjusting rails, meaning lower seating position than 5dr.


So, the solution to choose means using 3dr rails without tilt, with 5dr seatbelt lock adaptor. This is under construction, update asap.



Finally, had a spare non-leather wheel and got bright idea to do it in suede.

Result is astonishing, pictures actually do not the justice to it, how nice it looks and feels. :) Got to take better photo.




In adition to this I have spare gearknob and gearstick lining also done in suede. B)

Edited by MH_

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Really like the suede steering wheel, great idea!

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de Noir

Thanks! I hope it will blend in nicely with the rest of the cabin. :rolleyes:



Drivers seat finished and installed without tilting part. Drop is a bit low pofile, but still noticeable:



Edited by MH_

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Loving your work with the steering wheel!!! I'm thinking of doing the same,


How easy was it to do?


could you put a couple of close up pics on for me to look at please



Many thanks,



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de Noir

Glad you like it! Haven't done it myself though. It's professional job, detailing is spot-on. :)




For more steering wheel photos click here

Edited by de Noir

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de Noir

Hi there. :)


Started with engine overhaul.

Unfortunately, bad news all over. :D:mellow:


According to clock, engine did 200k kms+.

What we found inside was leftovers of abuse and 'specialist' overhaul made in the past:


- liners fubar

- pistons fubar, one piston broken

- for start wrong piston rings fitted, many of them broken, fubar all together

- tappets fubar (well, not all 16 but the most)

- valves gathered and 'arranged' from some leftovers, at least 2-3 on each side would not stand another cutting

- tappet seats ruined beyond salvation, some expert pulled the tappets out by hammering on them.. see photos for details

- as every tappet seat is ruined, better to look for another cylinder head

- mixture was terribly wrong, everything was black dirty, dirty, dirty inside (see leftovers on pistons, valves were even worse)

- someone messed with AFM, as it's 'custom' sealed, but I knew this before


engine pics


That's it for now. I had no high hopes for this engine, but finding it this bad was truly moral sinking.. :lol:

Condition of crankshaft is yet unknown, we have to measure it to tell.


At least cams, inlet and exhaust manifolds are fine. :lol:



Next stage is to check two other D6C engines I have in stash for usable parts, and then get everything else new.

I kind of calculated with engine overhaul, in the end looks like there's no place for calculation at all.


Full rebuild! Expensive! :ph34r:



At least, in body&trim dept. everything goes along nice and slowly as usual.

Rear ride height reset again at 310mm (for 3rd time! :blush: ), and now with cabin fully kitted looks spot on:





At the moment I'm in wiper arms refurbishing, and clock business - restoring functionality to GTI16 clocks:





This includes fitting km-counter from another clock, as this one's trip counter is broken.

When breaking up the instrument, decided to rewind the counter to 000000 kms. B)


Retroclocking device here: P5160144.thumb.jpg


It just connects to power drill via rubberband and takes a lot of man hours to rewind! :lol:

Edited by MH_

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WOW lovin' that steering wheel, looks absolutely sex!


Anyone know where one might be able to get that done in the UK?

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Fantastic work.


Love the steering wheel also.



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de Noir

Thanks guys. I guess I'll have to export a batch of those wheels to UK! :lol:


As I mentioned before, any quality car-boat interior trim specialist should be able to do this.

The only downsize of suede wheel is that it wears very quickly, unless you wear driving gloves.

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de Noir



Just want to show off! :)

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de Noir

Huge overall setback due to engine rebuild 'moments'. :blush:



As you may know, liners and pistons are out of production for few years.

Sourcing new ones is still possible, from some Peugeot stashes around the world.


So, got myself a set of new Kolbenschmitt liners (expensive).

Haven't ordered liners-pistons set (even more expensive), as I had set of perfectly usable pistons from another D6C.

At least I thought so.


All the engine parts came in, everything was ready for assembly.


Then a 'moment' struck: Oil rings do not fit pistons. Ring recess 4mm instead of 3mm.

Someone got wrong (8v) rings for Mi overhaul and instead of getting correct ones, machined the pistons to accomodate. :ph34r:

So I was left without the key element, again. Third piston set I had was no good either.


Search for pistons wasn't promising at all.

Either people didn't have them, or wouldn't separate because of strategic importance of those parts.

Then bottom half of yet another D6C poped up of nowhere. That was engine #04!

Fourth time lucky! :)


So, engine build is due in next few weeks, as soon my specialist who does this awfully nerve consuming job returns from holidays.


In the meantime I'm considering of getting all the water hoses new.


If someone by any chance has complete part numbers list for LHD hoses to spare, please feel free to do so, here.



Thanks. :)

Edited by MH_

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It would be cheaper *and* better to get an LHD silicon hose set from BakerBM :blush:.

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de Noir

Nick, cheaper it is not. Maybe in UK.

Better it is, maybe. No experience with silicon hoses at all.



Regarding hoses and pt numbers, i have figured it out myself.


And that's 3rd (or something) issue in a row that I do not get any help here... Not very nice at all. ;)

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Nick, cheaper it is not. Maybe in UK.

Better it is, maybe. No experience with silicon hoses at all.



Regarding hoses and pt numbers, i have figured it out myself.


And that's 3rd (or something) issue in a row that I do not get any help here... Not very nice at all. :)


Just read this and looked at all the pics in the gallery.


Lovely work!


Any more updates?

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de Noir

Almost finished... Coming soon! :):lol:

Edited by MH_

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Looking very nice, look forward to seeing the finished article! :P

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de Noir


I'm into packaging business at the moment.


Engine install went without major issues.

I used 309 engine mounts, no inlet/exhaust manifolds mods, std everything. Tight fit.

Had a lot of trouble with engine assembly and sourcing parts, though.













The only thing that's giving me a headache right now is inlet manifold / radiator clearance.




Exhaust fitted.

Stainless steel custom job, calculated for flow and not to be too loud.

Downpipe with position for lambda, middle silencer and rear muffler with 90mm tailpipe, 'old Sebring style' :(




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