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Yet Another Uprated Engine Mount Thread!

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i hae just trawled through 35 pages of engine mounts thread using the search function and i still could not find a definate answer to this.

for my 16v conversion i am going to us the lower engine mount from citroen xantia at least initially as its a road going car and i want to avoid the annoying vibrations of a full on group n lower bush if i possibly can avoid it.

question is what gearbox and upper mounts should i use, should i just buy genuine standard parts from peugeot or should i use the group n stuff from say bbm.

will group n gearbox and upper mounts cause vibrations?

or will these prove to be the better option over standard gear as i have read that the gearbox mount in particular can prove to be a bit soft?


p.s i know i said the thread was not about the lower bush but just a quick question on this

i have found the xantia petrol turbo bush is reccommended and its part number is 180921, but folks have mention other xantia models such as the turbo diesel and activa model, even the 309 gti 16 has been mentioned.

cant find any mention of the bush part number for these models, is it the same as the xantia petrol turbo model? if not which xantia or other model for that matter lower bush is the best choice?





Edited by mos

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every single lower mount bush for an XU is identical.

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  welshpug said:
every single lower mount bush for an XU is identical.


Not true. i have the xantia turbo mount rubber and its visibly diffferent to the standard 205 part.

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  mos said:
i have found the xantia petrol turbo bush is reccommended and its part number is 180921, but folks have mention other xantia models such as the turbo diesel and activa model


the xantia activa is the same car as a xantia petrol turbo, I've no idea about the diesels though.

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anyone running group n gearbox and top mount?


did you find these to be a better option the standard peugeot gear?

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the xantia activa is the same car as a xantia petrol turbo


The Activa is a petrol turbo.

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  mos said:
anyone running group n gearbox and top mount?


did you find these to be a better option the standard peugeot gear?


I've got the full BBM group N/A set, and the car is currently used as a road car (no commuting though!). The main reason for fitting them was due to the clearance issues of the Mi16 engine. If you've got a standard 8v, I'd probably say that the full kit isn't necessary for the road - new standard bushes would be a huge improvement over the old ones (when I removed my original 15 year old bushes, they were ready to come apart in my hands!).


Apparently fitting an OE lower bush at 90 degrees to it's normal angle will help reduce the engine rocking when you come on/off load.


If you stick with OE bushes, it'll stop your passengers thinking that you drive a diesel, and you might actually be able to see clearly in your rear-view mirror - but then again, in a 205, passengers (and your rear-view mirror) are best left at home. But saying that, once you're on the move you don't really notice the extra vibrations caused by the group N kit.

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ive got the bakers group n lower mount, the vibration was really bad at 1st with the whole car rattling away. After 100 miles the rattles and vibrations are hardly noticeable and with no engine movement i would highly recommend.

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thanks for the replies guys


firstly just to clear up this will be a 16v conversion


what i am really trying to get at is

if the source of the vibration when using group n gear is it just the lower group n bush or do the gearbox and top mount bush also cause vibrations.

my plan at the moment is to first try a xantia lower bush as a half way house option instead of the group n jobbie which will probably increase vibration.

but as for the other two bushes i am undecided between group n jobbies and the standard peugeot ones.

i.e if the group n gearbox bush and top mount bush will allow less movement than the standard ones but not noticebly increase vibration i will go for them with the xantia lower mount.

if they will increase vibration and not do too much to limit movement without the proper group n lower bush then i will just go for standard peugeot top and gearbox with xantia lower.

if this does not work i will then have to accept defeat and have to go for the full on group n kit and put up with the vibrations, but i want to try a compromise first.


incidentally which way is the right way to mount a lower bush, with the solid rubber bits vertical ( l ) or horizontal ( - )





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  johnrobertgordon said:
  jackherer said:


the xantia activa is the same car as a xantia petrol turbo, I've no idea about the diesels though.

The Activa is a petrol turbo.


glad we agree on that :)

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