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Engine Being Built By Promax..

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Hey Guys,

I've finally got round to booking both TTs into promax. I'm having a hybrid turbo, full exhaust system and the turbo manifold is being repaird on the Dimma TT. My other TT is having a full engine rebuild. I need maximum power as I will be learning to race and would like to use it on the race track.. "AKA main roads" j/k


Promax make pretty s*it hot rally cars so I'm confident they wont ripp me off or make big mistakes. I know nothing about engine internals so am hoping you guys can help me out when I go to promax with my shopping list of what I want in the engine.


What bits would you reccomend? just to clarify it's a 1.9TT with lots of bits and bobs that are modified... used to kick out 191bhp but started pissing oil and smoke from breather pipes and now barely runs.. as soon as boost is applied it splutters to death :(


I'm thinking of upgrading the managment system but not really sure... what do you guys think i need to make it a beast. I'm pretty much starting the engine from scratch so need info on what to get.


thanks in advance :wub:

Edited by adrian_gti

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i'm no expert but as no one else has answered yet, speak to promax, see what they say as only they will know what performance they can get.

Edited by brianthemagical

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Upgrading the management is the best move you can make IMO. The standard 205 Jetronic stuff is unreliable at the best of times and with the TT fifth injector and distributor retard module it becomes a bit of a bodge.

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thx for replies guys... i thought i would have to let them know what i wanted... makes it even easier if they will do all the shopping for me too. fingers crossed :D

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Completely depends how much yu want to spend and what sort of spec you want at the end of it.


Like Kieran said though, probably the best first move is a proper ECU

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Ditch the 5th injector set-up and run a fully mappable engine management system, using a coil pack, crank sensor, lamba sensor, knock sensor etc. That should be worth 15% increase alone. With regards to internal mods - need to know you're budget. Head mods exactly the same as an NA except that you don't need a lairy cam. As I say though, really need to know what you plan on spending and whay power you hope to achieve - there are many variables and options when tuning turbo engines.


Also, you say that you are planing to race it? In what kind of race? I can't think any race series which will allow you to add a turbo an engine and still be anywhere near competitive in an XU9 205!

Edited by TEKNOPUG

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Also, you say that you are planing to race it? In what kind of race? I can't think any race series which will allow you to add a turbo an engine and still be anywhere near competitive in an XU9 205!


As the 205 was never available from the factory turbocharged, you will have problems with sprints/hillclimbs too - you will have to run in the over 2.0l class regardless and most reg's will push you out of road modified into modified production if you are lucky or even put you in sports libre

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Yeah, you'll be up against Scooby's, EVO's and all manner of turbocharged lunacy.

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Guest Megster

In the Trident Engineering Welsh Sprint and H/C Championship, you'd almost definately be placed in sports libre class. :(


Even if you were placed in the over two litre turbo class you be up against FQ340s, mga power Scoobies and GTiR Nissans.


Visit our forum if you want more details...




Cheers - Alun

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Also, you say that you are planing to race it? In what kind of race? I can't think any race series which will allow you to add a turbo an engine and still be anywhere near competitive in an XU9 205!


Thats why I went 16v turbo route, might stand a better chance now. You could use the XU9 in the Dunlop Track and Race series and do ok... (see www.rodbirley.com)


With regards to the TT, standalone management makes all the difference, as will a LSD. Like everyone else said, need to know more of your requirements to offer any more advice!

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sorry guys... when i said learnign to race i meant just fun races... track days etc.. i dont think i will ever be good enough to do proper racing :huh:


thanks for the lists so far guys. this will really help me when i chat to the guys at promax... was supposed to be in last wednesday but has been put back until next monday.


budget isnt really a factor with the rebuild as it's going to be a slow rebuild over months I hope. This way I wil be able to afford a pretty cool engine. I'm starting to consider ditching the 8v though and go for a turbo mi16 for the race car.. I will deffinetly get the 8v rebuilt but maybe only to standard TT spec or keep whatever modified parts arnt broken. I'll put this engine in my GFs CTi then.. wont tell her tho :)

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roland rat
I will deffinetly get the 8v rebuilt but maybe only to standard TT spec or keep whatever modified parts arnt broken. I'll put this engine in my GFs CTi then.. wont tell her tho :P

i also know of a nice miami blue 205 on the look out for tt power!!! :wub:


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