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Gear Selection Problems

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I'm pulling my hair out following a gearbox swap. Selecting first and second needs muscles like Arnie and reverse is not much better. The 'box started life in a 91 1.6 that I broke a couple of years ago and found it's way into my original ph1 cti, complete with all rods and linkages, clutch cable and pedal.


Being in need of a clutch change this week I decided to re-use this box in the gti (with '91 1.9) engine because I wanted to change to be3 and in the cti it was great, no noises/notchiness and a lovely tight gear change, grouped nice and tight. So i fitted it complete with rods+cable but tried to modify the be1 pedal by cutting the cable hole into a hook- bad move as it didn't release the clutch properly. Went back to the garage and got the pedal, clutch is now fine.


Now though the gear stick has to go for miles to select gears! with reverse position hitting the seat. It's as though the "left/right" lever on the box isn't moving enough. I've tried using the gear rods off another be3 equipped gti and no difference. Are there different rod lengths at all? (I've already given away the longer of the rods- so that is the only peice that has not been swapped)


The clutch cable has been adjusted from practically disconnected to constantly slipping with no effect on selection and the 'box has 2 litres of fresh oil (was no different when empty)


Is there anything that could have slipped within the 'box as it's been out a couple of months?

Don't really want to change it 'cos I've cleaned and painted it! (That's the problem with pictures of nice clean cars on this forum- it's turning me into a tart)

Edited by steve@cornwall

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Just make sure all the linkages are OK, The subframe Gearlinkage mounts as well, Quite often these come loose and have that effect, A lesser problem is the gearlever bolt and Nylon bush under the centre consul

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Just make sure all the linkages are OK, The subframe Gearlinkage mounts as well, Quite often these come loose and have that effect, A lesser problem is the gearlever bolt and Nylon bush under the centre consul


Thanks,Miles, subframe linkage mounts are all checked and o.k- and have used both the be1 lever at first (absolutely fine with old 'box) and be3 lever which was fine before. Do you think anything may be gained from altering the rod lengths? I have 2 small rods from different cars that differ by about 10mm in length but this makes no difference when fitted, but what about the long rod (which seems to bend whilst putting into first)?

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When changing from be1 to be3 gaerbox, it seems it's not a good idea to change the reversing light switch, the be1 item is too long for the be3 'box and totally gets in the way of gear selection.




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