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And I Thought Everything Was Fine....

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Hi all, I have spent loads of money on my car over the last few months - altenator, starter, hoses, gaskets, driveshafts, discs, pads, seals, oil cooler, headlights, brake pipes, radiator, tyres and the rest! Just passsed the MOT on Thursday and for once the car seemed to be running great!


But obviously it wasn't meant to be remembering that I do own a 205!


Anyway, on the way to work this morning I started to hear a rumbling/grating/squeaking noise. It only seems to happen when the engine is under load and not whilst in neutral. After getting home I asked my sisters boyfriend (who is a mechanic) to have a look and he thinks it may be something in the bottom end :D


I just wanted to know if there is anything else it could be, although I am expecting the worse!


When the engine was put in a few months back I was told the water pump was fine and I have also had a new cam belt and tensioners as well,


Any help will be appreciated


Cheers Simon

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Grating or squeaking is not something I would associate with the botton end (that would be a hard knock).


I would say that its more likely to be trasmission related.....

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I've had this happen to me before, turns out the main bolt holding the alternator was loose and the washer was being clipped by the alternator fins, check if there's any damage to the fins.



Edited by luggy

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I doubt its the engine if it doesn't do it in neutral..

Probably a wheel bearing or cv joint I reckon.


Does it do it when you are moving but in neutral?

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Hi, doesn't do it in neutral whilst moving. The driveshafts have recently been changed. Altenator is all good, my old one used to clip but this one is ok. I'm gonna take it to a local pug specialist who is very good and see what he says, fingers crossed!!


Thanks for all the suggestions!



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Hi, doesn't do it in neutral whilst moving. The driveshafts have recently been changed. Altenator is all good, my old one used to clip but this one is ok. I'm gonna take it to a local pug specialist who is very good and see what he says, fingers crossed!!


Thanks for all the suggestions!





Mine started of quiet like that the occasinal knock from flywheel/gearbox end, i put it down to the gearbox diff/thrust bearing,then i took the box off and it still knocked so i took it out on sunday and tripped it lastnight, excesive wear on the big ends and crank shells so much so they have turned copper coloured and my shelld are like EGGS, I assum oil stravasion was the cause but unsure how, need to find some info on the crank oil pump sproket as mine has some play and turns when the crank is stationary.


will take a picture of shell tommorrow

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i belive the oil pump drive pulley on the crank should be fixed to the crank and only turn when the crank does, mine is like a free wheel it turn when it want too so i belive this to be my oil starvation problem.


So id take the sump off and check you oil pump, chain and pulley (Mine had done 150K miles)

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