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Power Steering Leak

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The PAS on the 205 has sprung a slow leak - fluid is dripping out from the cap on top of the rack valve unit - where the sterring column enters the rack itself.


Is this repairable - new seal or whatever - or do I need to replace the rack? If it's repairable, can it be done in the car, or will I need to remove the rack?


Also, is this an MoT fail - it's a slowish leak, and the PAS works apart from this?





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If its visably leaking it will fail a MOT :D

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bu66er - it's very visibly leaking....

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Capn. Pugwash
bu66er - it's very visibly leaking....


If it's only leaking slowly, can you clean off the rack really well just before going for the MOT so it looks nice and clean??? I've successfully done this with oil leaks prior to roadworthy certificate tests!!

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Don't know if you can get the seals for the part you are looking for. They normally leak from the 2 small short pipes at the back of the rack.

Wherever its leaking from the access is really tricky.

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Cleaning the rack first is not going to work - a steady drip occurs with engine running - left a small puddle of fluid from about 15 mins with engine idling.


It's definitely coming out the top of the rack where the steering shaft exits - there's a white nylon looking cap on the top, and it's leaking from under that.


Looks like I'm going to have to source another rack and swap it over.



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Just drain it, it won't leak then!

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if he drains it then he will knacker the pump, if ya keeping power steering setup just get it sorted as its gonna need fixing anyway, before or after the mot,

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Guest CB-Dave

why not just use some JB weld over the cap to get through the MOT and then you have a little bit more time to sort it?

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