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Side Lights In The Headlights Aren't Working...

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Turn the stalk to side lights, rear lights work fine, however neither headlight works....turn to dipped and the main bulbs come on.


I know they are separate bulbs however do they have their own fuse (sidelight bulbs in the headlights)?


I went to halfords to try to pick up a spare bulb, and they didn't list it in the catalogue, they reckoned it was a combined bulb?


Im very confused!!





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Have you actually checked the sidelights you have already?


The new bulbs you want a straight forward W5W so you shoudl get those real easy from any motor factors (or halfords)

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Have you actually checked the sidelights you have already?


The new bulbs you want a straight forward W5W so you shoudl get those real easy from any motor factors (or halfords)


well they did work, however i had the headlights out due to one having a leak (sealed back up) and the other needed a new bulb....


however since refitting them, neither work. i guess they are wired in parallel? So if one dies, they both will not function.

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bitchass 205

not nessacerily, my o/s one went but the nearside was still one. i found out that it was a loose connection, sometimes the holders for the bulbs become brittle and snap so that the bulb doesn't sit properly.

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Yep, I had this problem on one of mine. The bulb holders die, try wiggling a bulb with it turned on...oh and they certainly are not wired in series (which would mean if one dies they both die, in parallel is normal).



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