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Curing Oily Cylinder?

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Currently having problems with my standard 1600 sorrento.


First off the compression is an even 170 psi on all four.


The car currently runs on 3, because the cylinder nearest the flywheel seems to be getting a little wet in oil.


I can have the engine running, pull the leads off each other cylinder and trys to die, but not this one.


And theres deffinatly a constant spark no matter the revs when the plug or another is removed, also have tried a couple of spare plugs but no difference. So an oily cylinder is all i can think thats causing the car to not work properly.


Any ideas what to do, theres only a certain amount of tissue and screw drivering you can do to clean up the threads.


Any help much appreciated.



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You'd really have to flood the cylinder with oil to foul the plug enough to stop it so comprehensively.


If the compression is OK, it can only really be ignition or injector related. You have swapped plugs but what about the lead and distributor cap? Can you see a spark at No. 4 plug? Is the injector firing OK? does it have a problem with its wiring. Is the injector blocked?


Standard 205GTi Injection is batch fire so you could always swap No.3 and No. 4 injector connections and see if the fault moves to No. 3 Cyliner.


Just possible but most unlikely is a duff ECU...


Excessive oil in the cylinder is more than likely to be valve stem oil seals

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Good thinking.


Just swapped the 3+4 injector plug, and the problem moves to number 3.


Luckily i have like 5 1.6 ecus, so just re organising the drive way so i can swap the ecu.



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Problem solved.


Swapped the ecu, and no progress. then thought about the actual plug its self for the injector and one of the pins had pushed back.


Clipped it in and now it runs properly.



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