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Has Anyone Got A Pic Of.............

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Has anyone by any chance got a pic of the front of a bare GTi6 block?? Im trying to establish whether they have a plugged off oil way, like an S16 block, for an oil pressure sensor just below the head gaskett.....


If so it could be the answer to the lack of oil pressure sensor on the conversion without using a high fangled 'T' piece.


Cheers chaps,


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I might have one, ill have a look through the pics I took of mine as I was building it.



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I have a bare GTi6 block in my garage.


I'm out there in a bit trying to sort the last bits for an afternoon MOT, will take a pic if I remember :)

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I think there's two different castings on the blocks, as the lower model ones doesn't seem to have the lump of metal up there needed to machine the angled hole with threads for the oil pressure switch.


Also I suspect this casting difference will tell you whether the block has oil-squirters under the pistons or not, and also maybe that these blocks will have thicker cylinder-walls than the lower model ones (as people claim they have bored straight through to the water-jacket when boring 89mm bore on some low spec XU10 blocks). Mine has at least 3mm thickness on the thinnest points, and that's with a 88mm bore, so there must be quite some differences.

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