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Jumping Out Of Gear?!

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Hi - I have started having problems with my gears 'jumping' out when not under load when on track - mainly

3rd and 4th when i lift off and it does creates problems mid corner..................


It is an Mi box coupled to the Mi engine. Will it most likely be the selector rods as oppose to the box itself?

If so, which are the best ones to buy and where from please?


Anyone else had this problem?





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I'm getting exactly the same problem mate, first noticed it at FCS then again on track at the Rally day.

I can't recall it ever happening on the road but on track its done it quite a few times.


Strangely though its mainly been on the cool down laps when going slow!

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I was going to suggest checking the oil. I had a car once that had a gearbox fail, oil leaked out and it jumped out of gear on lift off.


Could it be in the case of the track car, the oil is incorrect???

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No oil leaks that i can see and it has been ok up to now but won't rule it out - thanks

Not used on the road so i don't know if it would do it under 'normal' conditions.


Think i might change the selector rods and see if that helps before taking the box off etc.

Its surprising how much it throws the balance of the car out and costs quite a lot of time losing speed etc.



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