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Carter 4070 Fuel Pump

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i have done a search and noticed some people are running the carter 4070 fuel pump without a regulator for twin carbs.

my facet interruptor red top pump is faulty and instead of replacing it with another after seeing the posts on here i am seriously tempted by this and am thinking of ordering one from the staes.

anyone out there who has experience of both pumps or even just the carter is this a better way of doing things than the facet and i believe i can bin the regulator is this true?

one of the annoying things with the facet red top is the clicking noise/vibration you get through the car even if you use the rubber mounts, does the cater 4070 do the same?



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Ive used both pumps and found the carter the better of the two tbh.


Like you i found the redtop noisey even when mounted on the rubbers. It half died on a red hot day like today, started making some really loud noises.


The carter is alot more quiet but probably more of a pain to fit. It doesn't require a regulator because it runs at 4 psi which is fine on a set carbs.


I also had the filter king as my regulator when using the redtop but instead of binning it i removed the diaphram (sp) and part of the casting that goes over the main fuel through put and kept it just as a cleanable filter :)

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Ive used both pumps and found the carter the better of the two tbh.


Like you i found the redtop noisey even when mounted on the rubbers. It half died on a red hot day like today, started making some really loud noises.


The carter is alot more quiet but probably more of a pain to fit. It doesn't require a regulator because it runs at 4 psi which is fine on a set carbs.


I also had the filter king as my regulator when using the redtop but instead of binning it i removed the diaphram (sp) and part of the casting that goes over the main fuel through put and kept it just as a cleanable filter :)


thanks for that very reassuring before i spend my money,

i take it you have not had any reliability issues with it and it requires no routine maintenance also i was wondering on occasions when i turn hard into the corner the car bogs down i have though this is a carb issue but in hind sight having read some of the posts on here i am now thinking this may actually be a facet pump and fuel pressure regulator issue restricting fuel any thoughts or am i barkking up the wrong tree and its just one of those things you have to live with when running carbs



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Turning hard may make the fuel slosh in the tank and therefore the pump will be pulling nothing through but after the corner it will resume, and each carb has the whole float chamber full of fuel! So really the fuel starvation shouldn't happen.


Perhaps the pump is being restricted, not filling the bowl up fast enough to combat usage and then momentary loss of fuel supply drains it?

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thanks for that very reassuring before i spend my money,

i take it you have not had any reliability issues with it and it requires no routine maintenance also i was wondering on occasions when i turn hard into the corner the car bogs down i have though this is a carb issue but in hind sight having read some of the posts on here i am now thinking this may actually be a facet pump and fuel pressure regulator issue restricting fuel any thoughts or am i barkking up the wrong tree and its just one of those things you have to live with when running carbs




Reliabilty was never a problem with no maintenance required.


I too had the odd problem of bogging with the facet you mention and still cant unstand why it did it, but i can say it was less of a problem with the carter.


I have no idea about how flow work's but if the facet works at 7psi with a flow rate of 25gph and you half the pressure what happens to the flow rate ? I ask because the carter ran at 4 psi with a flow rate of 70gph, the facet also seems to pump fuel out rather than flow like a tap which the carter does.


I honestly believe that the car ran better with the carter pump but i could be talking bollocks and imagining things :)

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i have no idea what the specs are on the facet or the carter for that matter but i do think you are right

the flow must be restricted when you add a fuel pressure regulator.

surely it makes sense that if you have a pump that flows 25gph at 7psi then if you use a regulator to reduce the pressure to say 3.5psi, it must do this by providing a constriction/blockage in the flow and consequently i would imaging this must reduce the flow to circa 12-13gph. i no expert but this seems like common sense to me although that said it may well be a load of bollocks!


any thoughts



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I put some links in this thread CARTER which might be of interest to you.

Basically Carter is Weber and explanes why to use their pump.

After reading it, I don't understand why Facet pumps are so popular.

Edited by Pug_101

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i was thinking about these last year but didnt know how to get them. could i ask how big they are compared to a facet silver top(tube style).



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thanks for the info/input guys


looks like its definately the carter pump for me then!


one more question if no one minds answering it


dellorto twin 45 dhla have filters incorporated into the inlet banjos on the carbs does this mean i can get away without fitting an external fuel filter (i don't use one at the mo because the facet pump has one in it)

and if i do need to fit one, would it be best to fit this before or after the carter pump in the fuel line?



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thanks for the info/input guys


looks like its definately the carter pump for me then!


one more question if no one minds answering it


dellorto twin 45 dhla have filters incorporated into the inlet banjos on the carbs does this mean i can get away without fitting an external fuel filter (i don't use one at the mo because the facet pump has one in it)

and if i do need to fit one, would it be best to fit this before or after the carter pump in the fuel line?




I think I would use a extenal and fit it before the pump, afterall that needs protecting as well :)

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good question davev!


i never even though of that, just how big are they in comparison with the facet red/silver tops?



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good question davev!


i never even though of that, just how big are they in comparison with the facet red/silver tops?





If you can see past the crappy engine bay the pump is hiding over the back by the brake servo :D



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rescue dude

Got my Carter in the same place Mfield. :D


Runs very well without an endless line of fuel regs


I'm very happy with mine. :)

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id say that might just be smaller than the facet. definatly looks more compact. last q. do u reckon that it would fit on the inner wing where the jack usually does? talking height wise here.


cheers. dave.

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firstly i would like to thank everyone for there input, very useful


well i am about to bite the bullet and am going to order one of these this evening

i will let you guys know how it goes and what i think once it arrives and is fitted to my car





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