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Smoking From Manifold

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My 2lt Mi16 has got a bad smoking habit! It seems to be coming from the exhaust manifold. There are two pipes running just above it at the back of the cylinder head, i'm thinking some sort of fluid is leaking from here, what are they? I don't think it's the fuel lines as they are pretty clean, and also the oil level is OK so I doubt it's leaking oil onto the manifold.


Any ideas?





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if its the same layout as the 1.9 i think they're coolant pipes going from the distribution block on the back of the engine to the thermostat housing

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yeah they are coolant pipes.

the small black metal pipe is just air/petrol vapour

Edited by Bono

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That sounds to me like the cam cover gasket is leaking. Because the engine is tilted back the oil collects against the seal at the back of the head and can leak out, running down the back of the head and onto the manifold. To check it clean the area thoroughly with white spirit and then check using a mirror when the engine is running to see if the oil is leaking out.

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