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Engine Power Dropping

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I've been having an intermittant problem with my 1.6 gti, it will be running fine and suddenly drop all power and the revs drop to an idle. Blipping the throttle does nothing! After a short time it starts running properly and will do for a while and then do the same again. Some days it is fine and other days you can hardly get down the road,


Does anyone have any ideas, fuel pump is my best guess.





Edited by SPetrie

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tachymetric relay or maybe the wire from the distributor to the ignition amp.

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Wire from the distributor to the ignition amp I can check, but where is the Tachymetric relay?





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on a '91 it will be under the dash by the drivers knees (right hand drive that is) next to the ECU.

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Guest CB-Dave

mine kept doing this and it was the plug that plugs onto the ignition module (ph2 ones are on the drivers side suspension strut, ph1 is on the passenger side beside the coil)


it had melted a couple of pins and was earthing out occasionally (until it finally gave up and I kicked it... which didn't make it work again :D)


btw if the revs drop off to 0, it's not a fuel problem - the rev counter counts sparks and for some reason the spark is stopping, so it's definately ignition related... if it's not the ign module or tachy relay, check plugs, leads, rotor arm, dizzy cap, and continuity on the wires leading from the ign module to the tachy rlelay and the ign module to the dizzy connector (three pin yellow/white thing)

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