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Engine Surgeons!

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hey every body,


Ive allready planted a post about my gear box and head deciding to hang themselves so after a good think ive deiced to go down the 1.9 engine transplnat route (currently a 1.6). However, in doing so just a couple of q's.


How would i go about removing my current engine and gear box, would i detach the box and drop it out from the bottom and then lift the engine out, or lift the engine and box out as one unit????


My gti is a cross between a mark 1 and 2 so has mark 1 lights and box but phase 2 engine and dash so.....can i fit a be3 (later type gear box) in as well or will the linkages, cable and pedal need replacing??.


And are there any places or people that are after some 'private' work :unsure: . im willing to travel a fair distance because my car means the world to me.


MaNy ThAnKs.

Edited by matty_gti

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How would i go about removing my current engine and gear box, would i detach the box and drop it out from the bottom and then lift the engine out.


Yes if using an engine hoist.


Or if not drop it all out the bottom in one lump, engine+gearbox by lowering the front of the car down onto the hubs then undoing the top mounts and letting the engine drop onto some wood or pallets, then jack the car back up and slide/pull the engine out and forward under the front cross-member, thats probably the more difficult way, but i managed it on my own once or twice.

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I have just removed the MI 16 and replaced with gti 6 lump all in one piece with an engine hoist. Cost me 8 quid to hire for the day and was dead easy to do. I recomend doing this myself.


If i can do it with these lumps then the standard engine should be easy enough to get out.

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i generally take engine and box out the top together, but i have a hoist! removing the battery tray and having a leveller bar makes it a lot easyer.


taking the box off first is a good idea if your only working with trolly jacks, but i remember dropping the engine/box ect complete with subframe/rack/suspension shafts ect all out in one go on trolly jacks! theres not actually that much to it, and its ideal if you want to clean the engine bay and suspension parts up.


regarding having sumone do the work for you, im always up for privates as long as my usual second man nomination is around at the time, so long as you know the engine and box your fitting are good.


probly a bit far though :unsure:

Edited by inferno

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hmmmm, how far is herts??.


Can i not just remove the engine+box without the subframe, rack and drive shafts?. i can get hold of a crane so its either dropping it out the bottom as one, but does then that mean the subframe, rack and drive shafts have to come out?.


This is gonna be my first transplant :D, so im after the less stressfull way if there is one.



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Best bey if you have a hoist is to leave sub frame in, and remove engine from the top removed 4 13mm bolts holding battery tray as gives alot more room and lift it out the top it comes out easy enough

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You will still need to remove driveshafts wich ever way you do it, either fullly or some poeple leave them in the hubs and tuck them out the way.

I prefer to take them out fully just to be on the safe side.

Yes get a hoist, save your back :D

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