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Mi16 Idle

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I just want to know if this sounds about right for a mi16 at idle.


It idles around 900 rpm but it does hunt, when you blip the throttle it dosen't respond for a second then it revs. Its like its over fuelling but when i checked the plugs they looked spot on. It just dosen't idle aswell as it did when i first had the conversion done. It starts on the button hot or cold.


Recently i had no power at all. I was driving normally, push the throttle no power! managed to get home and played with the sensors and stuff and played with the AFM and it was fine after that.


Now when driving it goes like a train but when you slow done from high revs there is lots of pops and bangs in the exhaust, is this right? its sounds quite good :lol:


Ive turned the AFM to the correct position, but its made no effect. Am I worrying about nothing??

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Ed, take the AFM off the car and manually try moving the flap inside. It should move freely and without any glitches or notchiness at all! Sounds like the flap is sticking me old china!



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I'll try that when i get home from work tomorrow. If thats the problem will WD40 sort it? or will I have to hunt for a new one. I might even spend the cash on a brand new one for what its worth.


By the way mate we still need to hook up and talk cars :lol:

Edited by Edp

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Well the AFM meter still 'sticks' when i press the throttle, but when i move the flap by hand it moves freely?


The idle is much better with the AFM facing with the plug upwards :D which i find strange.

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try waggling the wires in the afm plug with the engine running and see if it makes a difference to the way its running

Edited by d-9

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That motronic works fine until the bits break down due to age. I found when I changed my management and removed my old loom I was suprised it ran at all as most of the connectors fell to pieces !


Ed, if the flap moves freely by hand in the AFM, I would point the cause of the problem at the copnnector itself. Have a look at the condition of the pins inside the connector and make sure they are all making equal ad good contact. Come on SPARKY!!! :D



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Come on SPARKY!!! :blink:




Ok ok! I looked at the plug in question and then had a cup of tea, cos us sparks cant do anything without a cuppa first!


I wiggled the plug and the revs died and she stalled. It got me thinking there might be somthing amiss with the connections. After a couple of prods with a small terminal screwdriver (to make the plug fit better) I started her up and she idles like a dream. I took her for a good thrash just to make sure and its back to normal.


Cheers guys!

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