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106 Xsi Problems.............! :angry:

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my mates xsi started chewing its radiator as the fan broke and started knocking chunks out of it, so today we went to the local scrappy and fitted a new fan and radiator... nice and easy all was going well, so we took it for a test drive and it was running ROUGH!!!!, i thought my 205 rallye was bad!!. anyway we bought some new spark plugs and fitted ok, but it still runs unbelievably rough....anyone have any ideas as to how to make it run a little better?


oh and to make things worse the thermostat bleeding valve snapped :unsure: , so will a 205 one fit?... it looks like it will just need confirmation ^_^ (from an TU engined xs)

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The bleed valve your refuring to the 5ish mm allen key bolt?


What do you mean its running rough, just need a bit more info to help bring up any ideas.


Did the engine over heat when the fan ate its rad?



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  BERTMAN said:
my mates xsi started chewing its radiator as the fan broke and started knocking chunks out of it, so today we went to the local scrappy and fitted a new fan and radiator... nice and easy all was going well, so we took it for a test drive and it was running ROUGH!!!!, i thought my 205 rallye was bad!!. anyway we bought some new spark plugs and fitted ok, but it still runs unbelievably rough....anyone have any ideas as to how to make it run a little better?


oh and to make things worse the thermostat bleeding valve snapped :unsure: , so will a 205 one fit?... it looks like it will just need confirmation ^_^ (from an TU engined xs)



Have you wired the radiator fan up correctly or damaged part of the loom near the radiator?

Can't think what else would have caused your car to start running rough straight after the change.

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well i think the car may have been running rough before, i noticed it running badly as i took it for a test drive...



The bleed valve your refuring to the 5ish mm allen key bolt?


What do you mean its running rough, just need a bit more info to help bring up any ideas.


Did the engine over heat when the fan ate its rad?




yeh thats the one that snapped...


it runs, but its chuggin a hell of alot (cant think how else to describe it) and there seems to be less power (from when i last drove it) and my mate says it feels less powerful by about 50%... it has a slight hole in the exhaust and the altenator belt seems a little loose but its runnin like a bag of w**k... couldnt think that would make it so bad!!


no it didnt overheat, but left the radiator in 1 hell of a mess


Have you wired the radiator fan up correctly or damaged part of the loom near the radiator? Can't think what else would have caused your car to start running rough straight after the change.


fan runs ok, sorry worded the origional question a bit confusingly, the radiator and fan has nothin 2 do with why its running bad, but is the reason why i accidently snapped a bolt...

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  BERTMAN said:
oh and to make things worse the thermostat bleeding valve snapped :unsure: , so will a 205 one fit?... it looks like it will just need confirmation ^_^ (from an TU engined xs)


Just buy a new one from peugeot, only about 60p and it looks nice and shiney! Remember the fibre washer too. The same one is used for alot of different engines so they 'should' have one in stock part no. for bleed screw is 1306 29 and washer is 8249 18


The 205 one is the same too

Edited by ablister

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would do that, but the bolt is still in the housing and cant get it out!!!, i have an old 205xs engine lying around and was thinking of swapping the whole thermostat housing across... just was just making sure if it defo would :unsure:, could try buying a new bleeding thing and drilling the bolt out i suppose... but id need 2 buy a really small drill bit tho ^_^

Edited by BERTMAN

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doubt you could transfer the housing as the 205 one will have a distributer on it and the 106 one will have a coilpack. Best just to remove the 106 one and try to drill the old one out and tap a new one in

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doubt you could transfer the housing as the 205 one will have a distributer on it and the 106 one will have a coilpack. Best just to remove the 106 one and try to drill the old one out and tap a new one in


thermo housing isnt attached to the dizzy/coilpack?, its bolted on right next to it...

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hmmm, i was thinking of the 1.4 306 which i thought would have the same style thermostat housing set up that covers end of cam, my mistake :blush:

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no probs man, i thought it would have been the same on a 306 too!!!.. ah well...


any ideas for making this 106 better?

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  ablister said:
hmmm, i was thinking of the 1.4 306 which i thought would have the same style thermostat housing set up that covers end of cam, my mistake :)



My 306 one is seperate too?



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  Rippthrough said:
My 306 one is seperate too?




I've seen some where the housing cover the end of the cam, maybe it changed with years

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